How high can you set the gain on your F-50?

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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Eastern Pa
I posted a question regarding feedback and didnt get any bites so I'll ask it a different way. I can hardly get the gain much above 9-10 o'clock before it will feedback. This of course is on the dirty channel and without contour. I've tried different tubes just to see and it did'nt help. I've tried it with different guitars with just about the same result, except for my tele.

I mean this amp has alot of gain left that is unusable.

Any thoughts, ehh?

What is the volume level at? How close are you to the amp? How hot are your pickups? All of this will play into it.
When you say feedback, is it uncontrollable non-musical feedback?
The volume is in the 11 o'clock range.

Ive gotten around 10 ft or so awway from the amp with no great affect.

My humbucker pup'd guitar has carvin "classic" pups. Another guitar has gibson p-94's. Both are pretty equal volume wise.

I'd consider it "musical" feedback, just not very controllable. In pitch, but I cant let a note or cord sustain very long without it taking over.

I crank the gain to 3pm with the master at 9-10pm regularly... Not playing at massive volumes at home... I also crank the highs to 3pm the mid to 9pm and the bass to 12pm; gets a killer metal sound on contour with my charvel using the active humbucker - only get feedback when i stop playing and stand in front of my cab but its the musical type not the ungodly whine type
For what it's worth, my own experience.
Les Paul Custom through my F-50 at an average gig.
On gain channel I set the treble to 8 or 9 o'clock; the middle to between 9 and 12 o'clock, and the bass to between 1 and 3 o'clock. Set the gain anywhere between 1 and 4 o'clock, and your master volume as required. Should help to control feedback, and for me it gives quite a 'fat' sound on the bridge pup.
six20aus, are you serious? I dont have my amp set nearly that high when competing with a pro reverb, a drummer, and a bass player. I think you might have some hearing loss if that isnt massive volume. :D Unless my amp is f'd up and louder than it should be.

John Vasco, I cant even get where you are. At our last jam I had all the channel knobs at around the 9 o'clock reange, except reverb. I was right on the verge of feedback at those settings. :x
maybe my f50 is quiet but its not too loud for me - if i went further than that then I'd have no windows left... might be too loud for my neighbours but i only play like that during the day so...

i think the distortion tones out of the f50 are just awesome for the price differential between the rectos i'm more than happy with the f50
ah nice to see so many f50 users here:p im new here, and i got a f50 about a month ago

the f50 seems to be quite a noisy amp on average, so im guessing it'd probably give feedback when the gian is set so high lol

and **** you people :( i rarely get to crank mine up. Like the TS, i dont have to crank it much to get over aloud drummer and a bass player lol
I can also crank my F-50's gain to 3-4 o'clock with my master volume around 10pm. Incredible gain for such a small amp. I get no feedback unless I'm very close to the amp for controllable feedback. Les Paul with SD Jazz & JB pickups. Sounds awesome!

OT: just added an MXR KFK 10-band EQ to my effects loop. Talk about tone versatility. Love it!
now that im using a hotter 500t pickup set, i have the gain just shy of 1 oclock with the contour on.
its punchy, fat and not fuzzy or buzzy.

and these new pickups are oozing with clarity and definition.

with burstbucker pro pickups i had the gain up around 2 oclock.
Something is very odd with mine. I also had a jam last night. Took a different guitar too. A cheapy solid body Ibanez with Gibson p-94 pickups, which are humbucker sized single coils. They're pretty ballsy also and I had the gain at 9 o'clock, treble 8-9 o'clock, mids around 12 0'clock and bass around 1 o'clock. A pretty good classic rock sound. It would feedback at these levels if I was'nt careful. What the hell :evil: .