How do you setup your Recto?

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2006
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I know this thread has been done before... but I always find this topic very interesting. The Recto is way more versatile than people give it credit for and I like to see how everyone else is using it.

I have a Tremoverb. I dial in channel 2 (red modern) for a heavy crunch with more volume than gain. Gain is set around 11 o'clock and volume is as loud as I can get away with. This gives me a thick, tight, articulate and ballsy crunch tone. I usually dial in a lot of bass (1 or 2 o'clock) and a fair amount of highs (treble just past noon and presence just before). Mids are usually right at noon.

I couldn't find a setting I liked on the clean channel, so I use a Danelectro EQ pedal in front of the amp with a huge volume cut to clean up the amp. This amp cleans up really well! And then I can use the EQ to shape the clean to my liking - more bass, less mids, more highs. This also eliminates the slight pause when using the channel changing footswitch.

I also boost the amp with a Bad Monkey for really aggressive tones. I set the gain to zero and max out the volume. I boost the bass a little and cut the highs some. It's almost like a really heavy fuzz... like a Big Muff but way more defined and with a lot more cut.

I like the reverb and tremolo on the amp, but I still use pedals. Pedals are more versatile and I would have to buy additional footswitches to turn the reverb and tremolo on/off anyway. I run a Boss PS-3, MXR Phase 90, Boss HF-2, Boss CE-2 (soon to be replaced with an EHX Small Clone), Voodoo Lab Tremolo, Ibanez DE-7, Boss DD-3 and Line 6 Verbzilla - all in the FX loop and on two different true-bypass loop boxes to clean up my signal path and make switiching easier.

And I play a Gibson LP Studio.

What about you guys? How do you use your Recto?
Dual Rectifier:

JJ EL34L's and JJEL84's
JJ GZ34 Rectifiers
JJ ECC83S super high gain in V1, Mesa preamps in V2-V5
Bold Power
Tube Rectifier
2x12 Recto cab @ 8 ohms

(all settings are clockface)
Channel 1:
Pres: 2:00
Master: 12:00
Gain: 2:00
Bass: 12:00
Mid: 11: 00
Treble: 2:00

Channel 2:

Pres: 11:30
Master: 11:30
Gain: 3:00
Bass: 1:00
Mid: 10:00
Treble: 2:00 - 2:30

Channel 3:

Same as 2 but bass at 11:00

PRS Custom 22, Schecter C7 Hellraiser 7 string or Fender Eric Johnson Signature Strat into Fulltone OCD into Ibanez TS9 Tubescreamer into head.

FX loop: Boss DD-3 Digital Delay

I swap between 6L6's when I get bored with the EL34 sound.

There are all my secrets :)