How do you get the blanket sound off the Rectoverb?

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Nov 8, 2007
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San Francisco
I have a Rectoverb combo that I really like, but I'm having trouble getting the "blanket sound" off of the amp. I have just retubed both the power and preamp stage. The tone is almost there but I can't seem to get rid of that "blanket"!

Any suggestions?
What tubes you using, what speakers are you using, and what pickups and guitar etc..?

sricabla said:
I have a Rectoverb combo that I really like, but I'm having trouble getting the "blanket sound" off of the amp. I have just retubed both the power and preamp stage. The tone is almost there but I can't seem to get rid of that "blanket"!

Any suggestions?
Just for fun plug an EQ in either the front or loop and cut the 200 mHrz slider down just a bit leaving all else neutral across the board. I think you will be surprised.
BBE Sonic Maximizer!

You know how your amp sounds when you have earplugs in...and then you take them out. It's kind of like that.
I got the tone kit from Dougs tubes. I also have a ceramic Tone Tubby playing thru a Les Paul Jr with a Fralin P-90.
I almost have the tone with exception of that pesky "blanket".
go and read the reviews of the sonic maximizer. The metaphor you are using about a blanket is exactly what most people say about what happens when they first use a maximizer. They say its like taking a blanket off the speakers. I got a used Sonic Stomp on ebay for 46 dollars. they are 99 brand new. You can find rack ones too for under a 100. The blanket will be gone.
I've never had good luck with anything BBE, but that's up to you.

I'm betting it's got something to do with your speaker. I'd try something like a WGS Veteran 30, or the British Lead speaker. The Veteran 30 is a smoother less icepicky Vintage 30 that's not built in China like the Celestions.
Did it sound like it before you retubed as well ?? Is it like it in all modes ? I'm surprised coz I have a Single Rectifier with std M/B tubes which sounds awesome and can strip paint from 50 yards if I want it to. Also how often do you change guitar strings ? :wink:
The amp sounded like that before I retubed it. I thought a fresh set of tubes would do the trick, but it didn't. The "blanket" sound is in channel 2. I set my gain around 12:30
Treb at about 11, Mids at 11, bass around 1, Presence at 9,
Master at 9:30 Nothing too radical. A tone tubby ceramic speaker that I really like. Any other ideas I'm open to...

Thanks alot!
have you changed the settings? im not trying to speak the obvious, but try turning up your treble and prescence and pump up the gain a little (or go up to a higher gain setting if your running raw or vintage now) i wouldn't put too many mids in there either...something that ive found that works for boogies mostly over other amps, is to get a buddy and say ok, add some more treble...ok more prescence, more bass..........etc. this way, you're not looking at the eq settings and going, that can't be right, or going straight to your comfortable settings. ive learned the mesa eq is NOTHING like other eq's.

if your talking about the vintage channel, i think my vintage channel is mostly muddy, and pretty much un-usable. its exxxxtremely thick, and bassy. even with my acrylics!! but for my bands style, i pretty much run mid/high gain on "modern" anyway.

theres my .02$
That's weird. Whenever I A/B a Recto and a Mark IV, to me (at low volumes, at least), it's the Mark IV that sounds like it has a blanket over it. I bought a Recto SPECIFICALLY for its non-blanket sound! Are you using EL34s or 6L6s? (Plan on buying a Mark IV, too, so don't flame me too hard for repeating my "blanket" statement about the Mark IV! I'm sure the Mark IV sounds kick-*** at volume.)
sricabla said:
The amp sounded like that before I retubed it. I thought a fresh set of tubes would do the trick, but it didn't. The "blanket" sound is in channel 2. I set my gain around 12:30
Treb at about 11, Mids at 11, bass around 1, Presence at 9,
Master at 9:30 Nothing too radical. A tone tubby ceramic speaker that I really like. Any other ideas I'm open to...

Thanks alot!

try more trable, less bass and a bit more presence. Don't be shy with the treble.
I used mine (when I had it) with EL-34's and it sounded absolutely beautiful. I had the combo with the stock speaker in it and there was no blanket.

If you have another speaker cab, try that with it and see what happens.

I have a Celstion Gold Alnico speaker that sounded incredible in an LSC, but it sounds like it has a blanket over it in my LSS. Speakers make all the difference in the world and are always overlooked.

Also, have you tried the factory settings? Sometimes they make a great starting point.
sricabla said:
I have a Rectoverb combo that I really like, but I'm having trouble getting the "blanket sound" off of the amp. I have just retubed both the power and preamp stage. The tone is almost there but I can't seem to get rid of that "blanket"!

Any suggestions?

i didnt see it mentioned yet (which i found strange because its usually the first suggestion) but what about an OD infront.... i tried the fullatone OCD infront of a rodaster the other day on channel 3 vintage mode and it made everything sound more alive and less blanket like..... also an extension cabinet will work wonders with that combo... when i had one i found it to sound very tight and compressed with it only having the one speaker..... i think either a 2x12 recto cab or a 1x12 roadster cab might do the trick... your pushing more air with the additional speakers an will allow the amp to "breathe" more (not breathe as in cool it down but it will allow you to open it up a little more since its driving 2 or 3 speakers instead of just one... plus a v30 mixed with the c90 in your combo will sound amazing