How do I run my effects through a Triple Recto head?

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Jul 29, 2010
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I am a guitar tech noob so please refrain from using jargon and technical terms with me lol! I am having trouble running the BOSS RV-5 (I get a disgusting sound from it which resembles a tin can effect no matter how much I tweak the knobs on it). I'm running everything from guitar to pedal to the input on the head. My next question is: Are there any good multi-effects units that run smooth with the Triple Recto? Thanks.
I haven't tried it with a clean sound yet. How would set up the pedal to run into the FX Loop properly?
Reverb for music tends to function much like drop shadows do for computer graphics. Subtler use is almost always more effective.

Also, as an additional point, please keep in mind that all modulation effects (chorus, flanger, phaser, echo, delay) are also designed for use in the effects loop, and all of them will be placed before the reverb in the effects loop chain. Reverb is always last.
On a similar note - where would you place a pitch shifter effect? Such as a Eventide Pitchfactor? In front of the amp or in effects loop? I don't have it yet but its otw so desperately waiting to try it out.
depends on which sound you want. heres a good link to your exact question :arrow: