@benjamin801 as well as others here...
Most of the time guitar amps are built with PI sections that circuitwise are inherently imbalanced. It's not just the PI tube that needs to have balance, it's a pair of sides that each have four components, each complete side can match the other, but rarely is it done. When they do, the result is increased sustain and harmonic bloom within sustained notes. Each side of the power section contains a PI tube triode, it's circuit, a power tube, and an output tranny primary winding.
Starting from the back, the primary side pair of leads from the OT often have unbalanced windings due to the way transformers are often made...the power tubes driving those primaries are often out of balance as well, the circuit driving them is most of the time wired out of balance, and so do you think that if the PI tube is perfectly balanced between triodes that everything is gonna be all right? Nope. But if you get the imbalances working in the right directions, you can balance the power section of the amp better than before you started.
In a two tube push pull power section I will set the amp at max clean headroom, master volume in the top end of performing stage volume sweet spot if you know where that is, otherwise dime it but keep gain so amp is still clean. Then I stick a guitar on a stand and pluck some open strings and let the sustain ring out to just about silence over the amp noise. I listen to all the strings alone and in pairs. Then I put the amp on standby and hot swap swap the power tubes in each other's sockets. A chunk of old auto or truck tire inner tube helps grip the bases, your fingers don't get too burned that way. I leave the power tubes in the position that gives the best sustain. Easier to do amp chassis removed for tube rolling. Then from my collection of preamp tubes I select preamp tubes tested for relative strength between the sides for the PI spot, you start hot swapping and listening same as before, use the standby switch, you might find out that a certain imbalance within that PI tube in a certain direction, one side or the other might provide the best sustain and harmonics.
Your ears as well as others' will thank you.