so you want a 4 channel amp with a bunch of different voicings and additional multiple low watt settings.
that sounds like overkill to me, personally - although i am a kind of bells and whistles gadget person at heart so I hear where you are coming from. My personal experience with my tone challenges is that I don't need that many tones from the amp for a single set/gig.
if i am playing a jazzy/clean gig - i setup for that, if i am playing rock, i setup my amp(s) differently for that. consequently, i also have 3-4 guitars to select from to provide additional tones.
i don't need Wes Montgomery bassy cleans, country twangy cleans, or rock brassy distortion/leads at the same time in front of an audience that can't handle switching guitars and fiddling with amp settings for a minute or two. i only need one tone palette at a time.
i did want a LSC with the 5 watt setting - but ended up with the 50/100 version and it's fine. i am up in the air in comparison with my Mark III - it is unbelievable - and super versatile too -
if you are having a volume issue, i can't help you there.