Hidden Gem of a cab + straight 4x12 cab talk

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans to Los Angeles
I just played through a slightly used Fender MH-412 with 4-g12k100's. It's a straight cab measuring 30x30x15 and is built into an open-faced road case. It's made of void-free birch ply and weighs a ton~106lbs.

The tone is incredible! Very smooth and fat- with huge punch and tightness. It has all of the wallop of a std recto without the flab and peaky highs. It almost reminds me of my friend's old metal grill halfback, but with more balanced tone across the bass/mids/treble. Unlike the speakers in the metal grill, I had no trouble attaining fendery cleans and sparkle. It is not boomy like a bass cab, but it can push some serious jeans-flapping air!

I bought it for $350, which is a deal because of the speakers alone- which go for ~ $100 ea. I was going to canabalize it and throw the speakers into my 1960a, but after playing it, I am keeping it as is. I hate the construction of the 1960a and this one is an absolute fortress.

Since we're talking straight cabs, are any of you other guys out there playing through them? I love the idea, since the stages I play on are not on ground level- no sense having 2 speakers firing above everyone's heads.


Yes, the logo goes. I absolutely cannot wait to put a DC5/10 on top of this...:D
I bet that's a sweet blend of speakers. I can't bring myself to start doing X-combos; that will open up pandora's box and I will not be able to rest knowing there are limitless possiblities! I'd never get to play the **** thing!
Nice score man! Have fun. I use to have an old Randall 4x12 straight cab that rocked! It had Celestions but not sure which. Wish I would have kept it. Anyway, another straight cab advocate here. I like them anyway.
Looks very beefy and impressive, especially the aluminum edges, very ata case-like. Too bad it's front loaded (?). Not my thing.
Agreed on the front loaded.

I've heard great things about those celestions though! Apparently THE speaker for modern metal and rock tones. I'd love to try them!

Nice score :D
I'm not certain that it's front loaded. I certainly don't have a problem with that format; I believe VHT/Industrial Amps/Soldano/Ear Candy/Soverign/Ashdown/etc..cabs are also front loaded.

Yeah, the G12K100 is everything I ever wanted in a speaker. I HATE the 1960a's G12T75s with heavy distortion; I never thought it worked well with the Mesa's EQ curve as they have this scooped sound. By the time you bring up your midrange, the tone is nasally and very boxy- but they sound excellent with cleans.

The G12K100, on the other hand, loves bass and the midrange is nice and round. Plus, the highs are perfect. On top of all this, it excells at low to medium gain tones, as well. It's like a blended C90/EV12l- tons of punch and no cone rattle or flab.

What I wanted was a very full and powerful stage presence and I feel that's what I have now. The cab is similar to a vintage style "b" cab, but is 1" deeper. I didn't wan't an oversized cab sound or to run over my bass player. These 100w celestions changed my opinion of the brand entirely and I feel they are perfect for what I want.

Additionally, they appear louder than the G12Ts, so If I wanted to run a 50w head, I would have no problems cutting through or delivering massive sound pressure from my side of the stage, haha.
I know I'm really bringing this thread back from the dead, but while searching google for something totally different, I came across this and I couldn't resist. I tried to research running Mesa Triple Recs through Fender Metalhead cabs years ago to see if anyone had input on the type of tone they would produce together. Come to find out, it's awesome! I personally feel that you can not find a better cab to run any Rec through! Before I came to my senses about SS vs. tubes, I purchased a Metalhead full stack after hearing one being played in a local GC. My other guitar player uses a Dual Rec, and I was able to coax similar tones out of the MH, but it lacked all of the warmth and feeling of the Dual. One night at a show, my head had no output sound, and a friend from another band let me use his Triple Rec. My band never sounded better! That was it, I went right out and bought a Triple Rec. I already had the two MH cabs so to avoid spending extra money I tried the combination. It truly sounds far better than my buddy's Mesa cabs. Everyone that complains about the 3 channel Triple Rec sounding fizzy or flubby needs to hunt down these MH cabs. I ran my friends 2 channel Dual through them as well and everyone who heard this combo is blown away by the difference in sound. It's a real shame that the MH is no longer being produced because these cabs are absolute monsters. The only drawback is the fact that they are rated at 4 ohms each, which would be a 2 ohm load if running a full stack, unless you get a series box, which is exactly what I did. My rig is hands down the best sounding combination thus far, and I share a space with some truly pedigree heads. We have a Mesa Dual Rec., Soldano SLO, Diesel Herbert, Bogner Uberschall, Orange Rockerverb, and Peavey 5150, and 6505. Everyone wants my tone!
I use a Mesa/Boogie road ready 4X12 EV cabinet. Incredible complex tone, great for feedback at low volume. Sure it's heavy, but I am prepared when moving it as I work with similar size equipment at work.
I'm running a MKIV into a pine Sovtek 4x12 with Emminence V30 copies. Sounds great to me.
i've never been happy with straight cabs. I need those top two speakers angled at me. As far as hidden gems of cabs goes, sounds like this HM cab is like how the marshall mode 4 cab was when it came out. At the time, people on the gear boards were like "man this mode 4 head really sucks, but marshall FINALLY went outside of the box on their cab design, and it 4x12 sounds great!"