Hi peoples: SOB value? I committed, but for what?

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Oct 16, 2005
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I just committed to buying a vintage Mesa Boogie SOB, 1X12" combo for $600.00 from a friend of mine. I believe that its 60/100 watts.

He is the only owner of this amp, he had it made directly from the factory in the early 80s. Its blond with wicker, I think, but might be simple mesh.

I wanted this amp becase I played with this fellow in the 80s and simply could not believe the beautiful tones he could get from that little monster. I am buying it without seeing it or playing it since those days in the 80s . . . though I know that he too hasn't been playing so the amp is pretty much the same as it was.

But I think that my memory may have distorted: for instance, I thought that what I was committing to buying was a Mark ll or lll and I thought it had a graphic equalizer on it . . . I just found out that it is an SOB but I allready sent $200.

Was this a bad deal for me?
What do these go for today?
Do I have enough of a qualm to mention something to my good old friend about the deal without seeming like a scrooge or an arse?
I mean is the value notceably below $600?

The worst thing is that he was talking about selling it for $450 and I told him (thinking of Mk lls) that it was worth far more and that I would buy it as long as he didn't sell himself short . . . grr?!
Do a seach on ebay find out what they are going for. If you were wrong you were wrong tell him he will understand or he wont. Don't beat yourself up for making a mistake. You offered what you thought was a fair price if it was worth less and you found out before you bought it tell him.
But I'd still like to know any and all information about these amps? . . . or stories? as well as the value?

and also, if anybody has a an SOB with Mods: which sort of mod?

I live near Minneapolis so when I get this amp I'm gonna cast about to see who does what sort of mods around here. I know that Savage AMps does some work.

Would a Mod by a decent Amp Co., like Savage, increase or decrease the value?

I'm thinking of these mods: reverb, fx loop, maybe channel switchng.
If it is like my MKI you can use an a/b switch and go into the two jacks on the front one for high gain one for low. I have mine adjusted pretty darn close to a two channel amp. I typically run my MKI at 60 watts with two black plates in the outer sockets. The early Boogies cover a lot of ground in that they can be adjusted to sound good in many different ways. To me a loop is more important then reverb. I run a lexicon digital unit that can do reverb and delay simultaneously. That sounds terrific on the clean channel I prefer just delay on the dirty channel.
Thats an amp I've never seen around. I've heard its not popular. Which does'nt mean its bad. Wonder how many they made? Noone ever brags on about this model.
Just my opinion, but, $600 seems steep. I see mark IIB's and mark III's go for $700 occasionally...... Unless it's REALLY the tone you're going for, I'm sure you could get a DC for that price..........
ax. :twisted:
Just curious if you purchased the sob. I gave 550 for one local with reverb. I bought it because of it's killer cleans. and the ability to use distortion.

If you did, and you want to take your tone to the next level, purchase a mxr 10 band equalizer (one of the new ones),, The tones you get will knock your socks off.

I run L.P > mxr eq > ts808/silver mod > Fulltone fatboost > guyatone delay > volume pedal > SOB ....

I am looking at something like a Mark I reissue as a second amp .... but I have no intentions of getting rid of the sob. The tone is incredible. The SOB is a bit strong in the mids. So the equalizer helps that. You want a headache, run the sob with the mids high (distortion or not), the harmonics of that amp will push your ears, and you won't know it ... You will just feel the tone.
It is interesting you don't hear much about these amps. I have one that is switchable from 60 to 100 watts, reverb and passive effects loop added. I can use a a/b box to switch between inputs for clean and distortion, but since there is only one set of eq, depending on the guitar it is not always really such a great option. The tone from my little SOB with just about any tubes in it has so far been extrodinary, I get compliments on my tone at just about all my gigs. I usually plug into the second channel which is the clean channel and use a pedal for my distortion sound. The clean channel on my SOB is very articulate and really was a surprise since I have always played a vintage 100 watt Marshall Superlead or blackface or early silverface fenders. I know some people will say $600 is a little high but I payed $500 for mine and that was two years ago. It has been a great little combo, I would buy just the head version if I could find one. It has never let me down and is loud enough to play even outdoor shows with just one twelve. It has been a very good tool.
I just spied one on ebay...100watt sob....Never saw or heard of one before....May still be in there now...Pretty cool, but I still wouldn't want one....
ax. :twisted:
So I went ahead and bought it . .. as I thought was indicated in the first post.

I talked with my friend and I feel pretty assured that I got a good deal. But, since he lives in Ca, and I live in Wi, I won't know till I pick the amp up . . . or, have it shipped somehow.

Any ideas about what the best cheapest and safest way to ship this amp is?

I am thinking about buying a case on eBay, (unless there are better ideas of places to buy a case) and simply loading it as baggage on an airplane, and carry it back with me as I travel to Ca for Xmas

. . . is that a bad idea?

also, about those 100/60W-ers with tweed button and etc, those are the newer reissues . . . a reissue of a reissue . . .
Yeah its been a while and I still don't have the amp.

Can't afford to have it sent.

Meanwhile, I'm starting to think that I got ripped off . . . . by a good old friend too.

Can anyone ease my worried mind and tell me that a Blonde SOB circa 1982 near original owner is is worth a good deal of money!?!!?

Worth more than $700

Whoa there, your friend didn't rip YOU off, you offered the money for the amp and bought it. You guys sound like quite a pair!

And after all this time, you can't scape up the money to ship? WTF?!? I shipped a 50Cal across the country for around $40

Stop whining, get the amp shipped, and play it.
RussB said:
Whoa there, your friend didn't rip YOU off, you offered the money for the amp and bought it. You guys sound like quite a pair!

And after all this time, you can't scape up the money to ship? WTF?!? I shipped a 50Cal across the country for around $40

Stop whining, get the amp shipped, and play it.
yeah 'ripped off' is a bad choice of words . . . .

I guess I meant just a mistake on my part and he then didn't offer to accept my stated mis-recognition of what it was that I was buying. I told him I thought that he had a Mark ll after I'd already paid 200$, he then let me know it was an SOB and it was still left at $600 (the thing is, I felt pretty sure that he knew that I thought it was a Mark ll, since I had sorta said as much a couple of times before the actual transfer of money) . . . ok ok, no more whining!

As far as the shipping, I bought it when I was making some money now I'm not.

Best to look positively: I do know that this beast has the BEST tone at volume that i have ever heard! BEST!