Help with my recently purchased ToV

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2010
Reaction score
Jacksonville, Fl

New to the forums, but I'm a long time boogie player.. Hope someone can help me out with what may be wrong with my head. So I purchasesd a ToV from a guitar center in Jersey, I live in Oklahoma, and guitar centers here don't really have any mesa gear... so I found it online, advertised as in great shape, and sounding awesome... after reading up and hearing mostly positive feedback on the ToV, I ordered and had it shipped to me.

I received today, they took all the tubes out prior to shipping, supplied me with a diagram to put them back in, which I did.. I hooked everything up, turned it on, let it warm up for a good 10 minutes, everything lit up, checked the tubes, all are lit up, nothing red or running hot...and finally hit that standby and got the hum and could hear the pulsing of the tremelo going, confirming that things were going to work... I live in an apartment so i had everything turned down, turned up the master volume.. got nothing.

First thought, bad cable, swapped cables out, nothing... tried them all on my other amp.. all is fine. Checked the manual to see if there was anything in there, nothing.. I unhooked the guitar, and checked the cable again tapping on the end of it, no response. Also tried hooking up the footswitch which is just the single button footswitch, also no response, the light isn't lighting up and not switching channels... my next thought is maybe a wire that came loose or something.. but I'm not 100%... any ideas?
Did you test up the footswitch using the same cable that you used to plug your guitar in?

If it is, it's possible that cable is dead.

If it's a different cable, then I have no idea.
yea, i tried the footswitch with all the cables... no dice... amp looks in great shape.. its been obviously very well taken care of.. and guitar center claims it was working fine prior to shipping, so i'm thinking somewhere in route something got messed up..
I'm going off my Dual Recto (2ch) knowledge... not really experienced with ToVs.

On a regular Dual Recto's there's a secondary channel trigger in the back of the amp (meant for use with a Midi switcher). Maybe try using that with the channel switch to verify that the channels won't switch at all. Also, verify that the manual channel switch is in the default position (default is Orange on a 2ch... I assume it's the same on a TOV).

Also, verify that the FX loop is either bypassed, or that the FX send volume is higher than zero.
fixed!!! I guess it was user error there... the tube towards the back, that has the metal casing over it.. the ToV manual has it listed as V1A = 1st Input/Gain Stage was actual not in there very well, as soon as i looked at the diagram and it said 1st input, I was like, i bet that's it... and it was.. just too bad i cant crank it up now... stupid neighbors, thanks for the help though!