Help with Mark4 and effects.

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2007
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Charleston, S.C.
Hey guys!

Havent posted here in sometime now, I trully am loving the MArk4 you guys help me decide to purchase.

I have a effects question, I've been playing the mark4 completely clean (meaning no effects) for over a year now. I'm gonna purchase a few pedals for christmas.

I do not know alot about the better quality pedals on the market , so im just gonna go with Boss pedals.

BOSS CS-3 Compression Sustainer - 89.00

BOSS CH-1 Super chorus pedal - 89.00

BOSS NS-2 Noise suppressor - 85.00

BOSS DD-3 Digital Dealy - 99.99

BOSS Graphic EQ pedal - 99.99

Ibanez TS-9 Tubescreamer - 99.00

BOSS BCB Pedal Case - 149.99

Total = 715 roughly

Taxes this setup will be at least around 800 dollars. With spending this much money on effects would it be better to just go ahead and spend a little more to get a G-Force setup and a midi footswitch controller for effects?

Would the qaulity of the G-Force's effects be as good or better then the individual pedals?

I'm also kinda clueless on setting up effects loops and running cables and would need to refrence help on setting up either way I go. Would it be easier for a begginer to just use pedals? If so with the pedals I listed , which would you run in the effects loop and which would you put in front of the amp?

Which is more friendly to setup going through the Mark4 b head ?

Thanks soo much for any input or help on this!!
Personally, I would buy used if stomps are what you want - save a TON of money. I've gone down the pedalboard route before and while it looks cool and you good results the cables and power needed to run them is annoying!

A G-major would allow you to have all those effects all in one place and for MUCH less coin. I would recommend going that route. Also, I have been happy with my GT-8 (using the 4 cable method) for effects and channel switching, but many do not share my accolades. I think it requires a very patient setup to make it work correctly and sound good.
I would consider that G-Major and a midi controller. More effects, programmable, much greater mixing options and in the future you could get some channel switching for the Mark IV like a CFX4 and your midi would already be in place.

As for which sounds better that’s subjective to say the least but with what you have listed IMO the G-Major will blow them away if you were talking boutique pedals that would be a different story even then the versatility of a processor gives you allot of options.

As for the TS-9 nice stomp for sure but you might want to consider a BB Preamp, it just mates so well with a Mark IV, everything else can be handled by the G-Major.
I have 2 Mark IVs and I use a G-Major on my A Short Head and a Digitech GSP 1101 on my B Combo, both using 4C method and both are excellent. I paid less for the two units than you are anticipating. Much easier to deal with and way more versatile.
I use a TC Electronics G-system with my Boogie Quad, and, for me, it is perfect. I don't see why it would not be great for the Mark IV as well. The G-system does my channel switching (Its got 4 channel switching outputs so you could control your 3 Mark IV channels -- plus EQ or simulclass/class A or reverb) and 4 switchable effects loops. You would not need to buy any MIDI switching gear or footpedals. The G-system does not have OD/distortion effects, so you might still need the tube screamer... Also, it does not have stereo effects returns, so if you are using other stereo effects (ie. other rack gear), it might not be well suited. But if you are just running back into your Mark IV, it wouldn't matter. right? It does have stereo outputs for its own efffects, though, and the effects sound great, esp. the chorus, reverbs and delays. And the quality of the unit (buttons, etc) is incredible -- it is built like a tank.

I have not tried them, but the TC Nova series is a lower cost alternative.

I would be wary about chaining up a bunch of Boss pedals. (Have you already tried this?) They are not true bypass and have high impedance buffers, so chaining up 6 or 7 pedals can suck out some of your tone. Since you are using the best (Mark IV), I would not compromise your tone with tone sucking pedals. If you do go this route, though, I agree that buying them used will save you a lot of $$.

Good luck!
You may want to start small and things as needed also. Personally, I wouldn't spend the money on the Tubescreamer and GEQ; you have a killer amp that should give you all the tones yu need. ( read steve Lukather's gear section on his website) You could ick up some great deals on 2 rack delays with presets ; maybe a pair of Roland SDD-1000's ( not sure on the model number) , Korg, yamaha, etc and run them in the loops with just an on/off switch for each or asign to specific loops. Also, unless you play a strat with sigle coils, I have never seen much use for a compressor with humbuckers. ( check out Brent Mason's podcast)
you could probably start small for less thanhalf of what you are planning to spend already. IMO, the less effects the better so start small and build. If you go the rack route, you may want to keep an eye out for a Scholz rack chorus of the best if used sparingly. Since ypu are ooking at stoms, you may want toconsidr the rack route and just switching on/'re tap dancing either way. If you grow beyond all this, grab a GCX switcher to control everything.
Just my strategy/opinion and not for everyone. The TC unit is great for an all-in-one strategy but if it craps out, have a backup or pedals.

Good luck....
I swear I love this place! Thx so much for the helpful replies guys. After reading these posts I did a lot of research on the items that were listed.

I'm gonna go with the G-force Major and the BB-preamp for now. I think with my lack of knowledge on effects the G-major will keep me busy learning for sometime. Once I get comfortable with hooking up these two units , setting diffrent patches and tweaking presets , I'll go from there with upgrading.

Could you guys recommend a good midi foot controller? I've also never used midi before, is it complicated to setup?
Maldeve, I would suggest you look carefully at the Digitech GSP 1101 which I prefer over the G-Major. They are similar in many ways, but I was very impressed with the simplicity of user interface, and I have not needed to consult the manual more than a couple of times. Digitech also makes an associated foot controller too.
I would say go for the g-major and the Behringer FCB1010 MIDI footcontroller which will control all the midi capabilities of the g-major, you also get the channel switching feature with the g-major which a lot of other efx units do not offer in that price range.
guitarnine said:
I would say go for the g-major and the Behringer FCB1010 MIDI footcontroller which will control all the midi capabilities of the g-major, you also get the channel switching feature with the g-major which a lot of other efx units do not offer in that price range.

got my FCB1010 for $100
while I agree on the versatility issue with multi-effects units (I use one) if you are new to effects, the learning curve may be steep.

There is a big difference between turning a knob or 2 on a chorus pedal until it sounds good and scrolling through four sets of parameters on a four voice chorus module and having to adjust each parameter in tiny numerical increments, trying to get the sound you have in your head, without knowing what each of those parameters does.

If you go the multi effects route, I recommend getting one with an easy interface.

Not trying to persuade you either way, but something to think about...
I know this is a matter of taste, but multi-effects units just do not sound as organic or real as individual analog units. As far as delay goes, I think it is hard to beat the Boss DD-3. I have been using one for 13 years now and think it is one of the better digital delays on the market. With the Mark IV, you can get many sounds by just using the DD-3 and a good OD to boost or add flavor to things. If you are using single coils the compressor may be useful. If you are using humbucker equipped guitars it may be overkill. For a bit more than a TS-9, you might check out the MI Audio Blues Pro OD. It is similar to a TS-9 but is a bit more transparent, plus it is true bypass. I agree with a previous post regarding used pedals, you can find some great deals and save a substantial amount of cash. Personally, I would'nt consider an effects processor unless you are gigging and absolutely need something easy to set up. That said, a good pedalboard is just as easy to use once you get everything in place.
Kazak said:
Maldeve, I would suggest you look carefully at the Digitech GSP 1101 which I prefer over the G-Major. They are similar in many ways, but I was very impressed with the simplicity of user interface, and I have not needed to consult the manual more than a couple of times. Digitech also makes an associated foot controller too.

I got 1101 also really great as far as programming somewhere between a stomp box and full blown processor so you can dial in real quick. 4 cable method really nice piece of gear, has modeling but I never use it. Most important, great sounding effects and pretty true to the amp. I use my 1101 on a smaller rig I have.

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