Help with an AB Switch!!!

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Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Orange County, CA.
I bought a whirlwind a/b switch from GC today. ($75)

When I have my Fender Deville 4/10 (Cleanand on switch B) and the Mark IV (dirty on Sitch A) both plugged into the switch box at the same time the buzz increases ALOT from the Mark IV. During this buzzing I pulled out the Deville input from the amp and the buzzing stopped. I put it back into the deville input and the Mark IV buzz's again.

I have a 9 volt battery running the LED's in the switch.

I checked to see if I had any bad cables and I dont. All Monster cables.

Is the "Whirlwind" AB switch too cheap of a switch box maybe?

Any suggestions on what I might try?

Thanks again everyone.

take it back and swap it for somthing that can stop ground loop hum's.. there are lots of nice pedals that do will cost more...mesa's have a tendantacy to do this to other sorts of amp's...
Try a ground lift adapter on one of the amps.I know a lot of people are gonna say this is bad but I have never had a problem using it in over 30 yrs.
I've been using the Radial BigShot aby pedal, Lot's of features no LED's. I just leave it on both all the time to a Blackface Bassman and a Mark IIB Boogie. It really quieted the ground loop noise down nicely. A great investment so far. I paid $69.00 including shipping.

If you use the ABY frequently you may want to consider the Switchbone
Thanks everone.

Anyone know where I can get a tonebone bigshot in one day????

I have a gig Saturday and am dying to use my new double deville 4/10 and mark IV set up.

I'm in Orange County CA.

Thanks again!
stokes said:
Try a ground lift adapter on one of the amps.I know a lot of people are gonna say this is bad but I have never had a problem using it in over 30 yrs.

Where can you get a ground lift adapter? GC? Hardware store?
Did you try flipping the ground switch on the back of the amp?
Russ said:
Did you try flipping the ground switch on the back of the amp?

I looked at the back of my Mark IV and saw nothing but all the other switches.

Nothing on the back says "ground" or anything.

Also I looked on the back of the Fender Deville 4/10 and could not see anything either.

Any advice?
Go to a hardware store or even possibly a supermarket and get a ground lift adapter. Use it on only one amp. This will eliminate the ground loop and get rid of the buzz. Works every time! Very cheap too. Have fun!!!!
Boogiebabies said:
Just dont kiss a microphone or you may get a big blue spark and numb lips.

Awesome illustration :D

Plague, jsut in case someone hasn't mentioned it to you already, lifting the ground with a 3 to 2 prong adaptor is dangerous.Yes it eliminates teh hum but it also forces the amp to use your body as a grounding source in the event that the amp develops a short. So if there is a shorting problem in either amp, and you touch something metal or grounded, you'll get one hell of a zap.

So please invest in a A/B that isolates both amps from each other but still provides a correct ground. Axess electronics makes a BS-2 that will split your guitar signal and run both amps continuous but not seperately.

Axess has other versions that are more elaborate and the Tone Bone products are fine. DMC is another company that offers splitter/switchers.Keep that in mind, we don't want to lose you :wink:
Ground lifters are very dangerous.

I run 2 amps quite often using a Morley AB box. Under 100.00 bucks for sure. I forget the exact price. No humm ever.

Some folks knock the Morley saying it sucks tone. They do not kill tone at all.


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