help save a mesa nomad 100 2x12

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Dec 29, 2007
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I found a used nomad that a keyboard player used for a stage amp. It is very dirty but works. I would be looking to get the cleanest sound out of this amp that i can. It has el34 in it now, and i want to know what tubes would help me get a clean sound. The only thing wrong with the amp is the reverb does not work. It makes a high pitched noise that only goes away if you turn the reverb knob down. i dont think this amp have tube driven reverb, so im stumped. The noise is on all three stages of the amp. The sliders on the EQ are kind of stiff too, but other then that she is good to go. I hope someone can help out with ideas on how to get this back to 100%.

Thank You
Justin Gurnsey

Mark IIA combo
Mark III purple stripe EQ/reverb EV 1x12 combo
Studio 22+ combo W/EQ
Nomad 100 2x12 combo
simple reverb fix, really simple! swap the in and out on the reverb tank. I accidently hooked mine up wrong once and the amp did exactly that! Great amp by the way! I think 6l6's have later breakup than el34, but driving a 100W amp to break up would be loud!
The Nomad indeed has a SS reverb circuit. If you can't narrow it down to the reverb pan or the cables to it you're best bet is to find a tech. The 5532 chip which sends and receives the reverb signal to the pan is soldered on the PC board and requires lifting the board to replace. A time comsuming job even for somebody who has experience with this stuff. 6L6's will probably give you a fuller bodied clean sound. I won't start yet another tube debate and make any recommendations.