Help Needed on FU 2 Footswitch connection to Mesa Quad

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Mar 22, 2009
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Hello to all, and Thank you for your help. I have a Mesa QUAD Preamp, and a Mesa Simul Class 2:90 Power amp. What TONE!! I have had many, many Mesas in my time. This setup for me is the Creme de la creme!!! However I have to switch manually because I have an FU 2 footswitch , and not the FU 2A which is required. I also have a 20 foot cable for the FU 2 , but the pins coming out of the Quad are a different configuration, and cannot accept this FU 2 cables end.The cable coming out of the FU 2 footswitch is a 4 pin Female end, and the Mesa Quad requires a 6 pin Female end. The 20 foot mesa cable I have has the correct 4 pin female coming out of the FU 2 Footswitch, but it has a 4 pin 'Male' end which of course cannot be hooked up to the Quad because the Quad requires a 6 pin' Female'
The question I am asking..Is there a way I can find a compatible 6 pin Female end, and solder it myself?(will there be enough wires in the cable for a 6 pin connection) I have not spliced into the cable yet to see if there is 6 wires inside. Is there a Cable out there somewhere that will allow an FU 2 to hook up to the Quad?(a custom made one perhaps?)I called Boogie, and they Told me a Mark IV Footswitch would work, but the channel mode names would not be right. I bought this Mesa FU 2 Foot Switch on E-Bay as advertised that would connect, and control a Mesa Quad. Maybe I should look for an FU 2A, and problem solved? Who knows? If there is anyone out here who can help me I would be very grateful. Thanks , and best Regards, Phal/James :D
You need an FU-2A or an FU-3 (I believe they work the same but have different labelling).

You can call Mesa to confirm and order. You can also sometimes find an FU-2A or FU-3 used.

I bought an FU-3 on Ebay separate from my Mark IV which I also bought on Ebay many years ago (she is gone now to a good home).

You could probably sell your FU-2 and cable easily.

This is all based on knowledge I have acquired here, although I do have a Quad that uses the old FU-2 switch with the 4 prongs.

Good luck.
I think there were two versions of the Quad, one with the 4 pin was earlier i think and later the 6 pin. My quad has a footswitch with the 4 pin and is a FU-2. I think the later ones are also FU-2, but maybe 6 pin? The Quad coul have been modded to use the FU-2a from the mark 4. It is a common enough problem with the switching. There are no more FU-2 footswitches, and they are hard to find on ebay. You can have Mesa replace the circuitr in your Quad with that from a MKIV (just the switching mech) so you can use the Footswitch from the MKIV. That may have been done already. Call boogie and try to find out if they have any record of your Quad coming in for that operation. Give em you S/N. I think it would cost in the neighbor hood of $200-250 to do the operation should you want it.