help, i'm a mesa noob

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Well-known member
May 20, 2007
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New York City
I'm thinking about going balls to the wall, selling all my gear and buying a mesa. I've heard almost all good things about these things and I think there's probably one that has the sounds I'm after, but there are so many models out there (current production and gone but not forgotten discontinued), I'm a bit lost.

The sounds I like are the "chugga-chuggah" (hehe, that sounds like a dance from the 50's now), Prince's dirty funk rhythm sound, Shawn Lane's smooth lead sound (kinda like satriani's, but better), and sparkly spanky clean sounds like a blackface.

My price range is around $1000, and I need to get something 50-60 watts or less (or something that has one of those nifty power switches). I've never had an amp head before, so I dont own any cabinets (i suppose that;s a limitation). I'm planning on going out tomorrow to test some mesa's out, but I don't want to go into it as a noob. Is there some used stuff i should check out? I've heard a little about the F-series, but its been replaced by the express. Was there like a huge technnological advance between the two? Can either of them get (any of) the sounds I'm interested in?

I like the 5 to 25 watt power switch in the express 5:25, but can 25 keep up with a band in a rehersal with no mic or would i need the 50? Does the F series have the power switch too? Can I use an extension cab with the 5:25?

(my apologies for being a noob, it wont last long)
BoogieDown said:
I'm thinking about going balls to the wall, selling all my gear and buying a mesa. I've heard almost all good things about these things and I think there's probably one that has the sounds I'm after, but there are so many models out there (current production and gone but not forgotten discontinued), I'm a bit lost.

The sounds I like are the "chugga-chuggah" (hehe, that sounds like a dance from the 50's now), Prince's dirty funk rhythm sound, Shawn Lane's smooth lead sound (kinda like satriani's, but better), and sparkly spanky clean sounds like a blackface.

My price range is around $1000, and I need to get something 50-60 watts or less (or something that has one of those nifty power switches). I've never had an amp head before, so I dont own any cabinets (i suppose that;s a limitation). I'm planning on going out tomorrow to test some mesa's out, but I don't want to go into it as a noob. Is there some used stuff i should check out? I've heard a little about the F-series, but its been replaced by the express. Was there like a huge technnological advance between the two? Can either of them get (any of) the sounds I'm interested in?

I like the 5 to 25 watt power switch in the express 5:25, but can 25 keep up with a band in a rehersal with no mic or would i need the 50? Does the F series have the power switch too? Can I use an extension cab with the 5:25?

(my apologies for being a noob, it wont last long)

Considering your limit is $1000 I think the only choice you have is an Express 525 if you are buying a new one . You may want to go with ebay .
I'd definately check out the Express series for what you are looking for. If you can only have one amp and you need good clean at band volumes, look at the 5:50. I owned a Subway Rocket at one time ( the precursor to the F-30->Express 5:25 ) and it didn't have much clean headroom at all.

I use a Lonestar classic combined with an Xotic BB Preamp and get pretty much what you want as well, depending on what your definition of "chugga chugga" is. :)

I had a Mark IV for a while too, and while I could get a great clean and of course kickass heavy and lead tones, I couldn't dial in a good middle ground with channel two. I ( like many who have had the same experience ) was hoping for a "clean/crunch/heavy" sound out of the 3 channels on it but never could get it to work.

Mesa has manuals for most of the earlier amps on its web site.
thanks for the responses guys (and or gals). I have one more question. Where's a good place online to buy new mesa boogie products? The don't have them at MF. I'm not really sure how much anything actually costs. There's only one mesa dealer in my city (NYC), and they are closed today. Is there a place online where I can find something (in US currency)?
Xombie2000 said:
You cant really buy new stuff on line because of Boogies restrictions.

what what what? :shock: so does everybody buy stuff from stores, ebay, and craigslist?? man, that's wack. Why would mesa have those kinds of restrictions anyways? O well, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to trek down to the dealer and see about these here amps.

now, between the f-50 and express 50, what are the main differences? they seem to be about the same. I've seen a lot of stuff about people taking their express's back for f series stuff. Is the f-series actually better or is it just an internet fallacy?
The F-50 has been discontinued, the express has a cool feature of being able to only run in 5 watt mode. There are a few other differences like the voicing, but the express replaced the F series.
Man, mesa has soooo many different amps. I just heard a youtube clip of this guitar player I hadn't really ever listened to before (andy timmons), and he had most of the sounds I like (except the chugga chugga, which i don't care that much about, i could just get a line 6 or a metal zone if i really really need it).

would anyone happen to know how the lonestar stacks up to the f series or to the express? Or where I could find good soundclips of any of these? I'm still lost as to what everything sounds like, or is capable of sounding like. I'm most concerned about getting marshally and fendery sounds, but more modern sounding, so I'm trying to find something that can do that with flexibility and not too much extra help. How does the stilleto fit into this?
Yeah man MESA is a giant tone factory and that's why we love them so much. No matter who you are, what styles you're into or type of player, Mesa has an amp to cover anyone's needs.

That being said, you need to roadtest and try as many different Mesa's as you possibly can and take your time man. We can give you some good info and heads up here, for sure but ultimately you have to check em out.
Start with the F-30, F-50, check out the express or Mark series and go with your gut. You know what you like to hear. RoadTest em.

And soon a new Mesa-lover will be born 8)
I'm heading down to the dealer tommorow morning to test drive some of these monsters. whatever i wind up getting will probably be used though, but i cant seem to grab used prices on everything.

what do the f-50's go for? how about the lonestar 112?

and one more thing, do the previous models of lonestars do the switchable power thing too?
I've seen an F-50 head in minty condition go for 650 on E bay. I got mine, in absolutely mint condish, for 750.

You should definitely check out the Express although it will be difficult to find one used as they haven't been around that long. It just got a 5 star rating in Guitarist magazine btw. I haven't played one myself but the general consenus seems to be that they are amazing amps but the F-series is better for metal.

You may want to check out the Rectoverb as well - a bit pricier than the F-series but not a whole lot. Same thing with a Stage I Stiletto.

You can do a search for sound clips on this site to get an idea of what you want but if at all possible try before you buy.

So I checked out the stiletto in the store (the express and the lonestar were sold out). I HATED it. I also tried out a roadster (which i also didnt like). Both of them had a very annoying buzz in the high range. Even when I turned the treble and presence down, it was still there. yuck. For metal it would have been fine, but not for what I want. This store doesn't keep much of this new stuff in stock, and I get the idea that the new stuff isn't much better (or better at all) than the older discontinued stuff. So that leaves me with this question (since i cant go check these amps out :( )

can someone (for reference purposes) tell me what amps replaced what, between the f-series, the maverick, and the nomad and maybe let me in on their voicings (or let me know where i can find some good soundlips with lead sounds)? Could someone tell me what was going on with that horrid frequency i was hearing earlier? I want smooth creamy (eric johnson, greg howe, andy timmons), not dimebag nasty (even though that's also a good tone, just not for me)
Do you remember what the settings on the amp were? It makes a big difference, as for my experiance if you put everything at high noon then start making very slight adjustments youre better off. As for the sound i fell in love with it was a Rectoverb on modern: Gain 3:00, Treble 1:00, Bass 12:30, Mids 11:00, Presence 9:00.

A lot of people get turned away from Mesa at first because they aren't used to all the switches and find it difficult to find a good sound adjusting the knobs.

As someone said, the way to do it is set every knob at 12 oclock and then slowly start adjusting. Make sure you are playing with GOOD VOLUME, or else you'll only get pre-amp fizz and no organic power tube tone. I know this is hard to do at a store, but see what they'll let you do.

It's also important to know all the features of the amp. A lot of employees at these stores don't know the switches that well, or only know how to set them up one way. You miss out on a lot this way.

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