Help identifying a Mark IIB part

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May 16, 2013
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So im in the process of replacing one of the sliders on my Mark IIB Coliseum and I noticed one of the parts on the EQ panel looks like it has rotted away. I attached a photo below and I hope someone can let me know what the part is. It is what looks to be a big brown capacitor, you can see 4 of them are very rubust and the other has withered away.

Any help is welcomed!
It's the inductor coil for the 6600 slider. Call Mesa and tell the you need a .033 Henry inductor.
It will not look the same. The new ones are black plastic and made by Falco.

To do the job properly, you will most likely have to cut the wires for the pilot lamp and remove the face plate enough to get the tabs off that hold the EQ fader board.
Boogiebabies said:
It's the inductor coil for the 6600 slider. Call Mesa and tell the you need a .033 Henry inductor.
It will not look the same. The new ones are black plastic and made by Falco.

To do the job properly, you will most likely have to cut the wires for the pilot lamp and remove the face plate enough to get the tabs off that hold the EQ fader board.

Thank you! I could not find that anywhere (and Mesa is closed today.) I was able to remove the faceplate, unbending the pins to dislodge the slider PCB... but with the sliders themselves, its too big to slide out of the chassis! So I need to figure out how to remove something else to give enough clearance to slip it out. I think I need to remove the (at a lack a better word) big blue things.... but they seem glued down.

Any suggestions?
The cap board, with the big blue things is held on by four plastic standoffs that you need to pinch the top of and a phillips screw in the center. The cap board will then be movable.

The standoffs are at the four corners and the screw is between the top two 220uf caps. Be careful, those standoffs are brittle and can snap easily due to age and heat. If you don't feel comfortable working around the cap board, the standoffs can also be release from the bottom of the chassis, look for four plastic nipples sticking out.
G'Day Ed.. long time no hear...

re inductor - looks like it's cracked off or broken off... beats me how though...

I've also seen MkII EQ boards using the black Pulse inductors... interesting..


BTW, I've got some standoffs form China for a Studio 22 PCB that were a perfect fit, and they also sell ones that fit the MkIII PSU. But my MkII's all have metal hexagonal screwed PSU risers, not plastic standoffs. Seems a variation for the Coliseums - do they have the 4 x 220uf caps mounted similarly to the MkIII's ??
McBarry said:
G'Day Ed.. long time no hear...

re inductor - looks like it's cracked off or broken off... beats me how though...

I've also seen MkII EQ boards using the black Pulse inductors... interesting..


BTW, I've got some standoffs form China for a Studio 22 PCB that were a perfect fit, and they also sell ones that fit the MkIII PSU. But my MkII's all have metal hexagonal screwed PSU risers, not plastic standoffs. Seems a variation for the Coliseums - do they have the 4 x 220uf caps mounted similarly to the MkIII's ??

I upgrade them to metal if I get the chance. Never another problem with standoffs.