Help from any fellow Rect-O-Verb (version 2) owners

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Dec 22, 2005
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O.k. I may or may not have a problem with my amp. My local Guitar Center is out of Rect-O-Verbs and the only other store that carries Boogie is 2-1/2 hours away.

Can someone please do this test for me and tell me the results!!!

1. Plug in you guitar
2. Put your guitar into the drive channel
3. Hit you low "E" a couple of time
4. Stop playing and then imedaitely click your footswitch and go into the clean channel.

On my amp, I first get silence then all of the sudden I get this echo sound coming off the reverb kinda like the tail end of a reverb crash. (Like having a Fender Twin with the reverb on and you accidentally bump it.... that kind of trail noise).

I just noticed this two or three days ago. I haven't had the amp a month yet. I have been playing rock more and don't do as much channel switching as I did when I was playing blues. So I'm trying to figure out if this is a characteristic of the amp or something inside the amp is on its way out. I was going to return it, but I bought wheels for it and I'm pretty sure I'm stuck with it now!

Thanks to anyone that will try this little test for me!!!

well my results.

playing a strumming E on the vintage channel, then switch to clean. When the E tone starts decaying I hear faintly a reverb sound as when you kick the reverb tank. Not really bothering for me though, it's quite faintly, but is noticeble.
nothing to worry about.....on certain settings mine does the same thing.

For example if i have the reverb up high on the clean channel and not on the modern channel and I switch from modern to clean real fast with a note/ chord already in sustain.

I think its has to do with the reverb spring.

Rect-o-verbs dont have the best reverb in the world. but I figured its better than nothing
There was a used rect-o-verb (Version 1) at my local Guitar Center. The layout of that one is a little different. I noticed that this noise was not as pronounced on the (version 1) kinda like you said "it's there but not really bothering". On mine the noise seems to clip then go away! I didn't know if i could do a fair comparison because of the model change.

My reverb is like on three and I'm starting to think something internally is going on. I had a guitarist over last night who bought my old, trust Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and couldn't believe that an amp that was so expensive sounded like this. I wonder what the deal is, no amp that I ever had with reverb ever did this even my old Boogie 50 caliber!

Mesa claim that there is some kind of filtering between channels, so maybe mine has some bad solder joint or something? I guess I'll have them look at it being it's covered under warrenty.

I have a version 2 ;)
But I alsno noticed it is more or less dependable how the reverb is dialed in between the channels, so perhaps you have a setting that exceggerates its presence.