Help a mesa noob out! (Studio+quad question)

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Active member
Mar 8, 2009
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Greetings fellow Mesian's( :lol: )

I'm new here and I might just aswell tell you right now, that I'm a HUGE Mark series fan!

I'm playing guitar in a thrashmetal band and I'm after the mark lead tone for my playing, mainly because Lamb of God gets their crushing tone from their mark IV's.

I'm gonna go the cheaper route and get a mesa preamp instead, but I wonder - which one!?

I hear the studio preamp is based off the IIC+, or the IIC, and the quad also mimics the Mark III?

What's the difference between the Mark III and the IIC? :?

I don't want to buy the wrong preamp, so please guide me, I'd be VERY happy if you could help me :D

Thanks in advance :)

Get a Quad!

You pretty much get a top half that is mark IIC and a bottom half that is mark III...

Plenty of tonal options there... :twisted:
the quad is defenetly are cool preamp. i loved the clean and chrunch sounds, the channel II has a lot of mids, so i only got (for me) a cool lead sound with extrem V-eq settings.
overall i love the lead sound of the studio much more, one of the best leadsounds i ever played.

the quad more versital due to its four channels. if you only need two channels go for the studio.
just my opinion.
I've owned both a Quad and a Studio and I kept the Studio.

The reverb was better in the Quad but the Studio's tone was a lot better.
I currently have a studio, and really love the tone. Plus, I can get a great distorted(lead, rhythm) and a great clean sound. What more do I need? :D

It does take some patience and perseverance to get the tones you are looking for, but it is worth it.