Hard Rock cover demo - F-50 content

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Hey all,

It's been a while; I've been pretty busy with my hard rock cover band the last few months, but we finally got some decent-sounding demo tracks recorded (with video!) that I'd love to get some feedback on. You can check them out on our web site:

CORE song list

All tunes in the videos were recorded live (no overdubs). Basically, for guitar I used an Axis Sport or Hellraiser C1 into an F-50 with G-Major, using a Mesa Standard Recto 4x12 mic'ed with a Sen. e609. Tracks were recorded and mixed in Cubase.

Feedback would be appreciated!

P.S. - The non-video tracks were also done with an F-50, but the production on them isn't nearly as good.
fdesalvo said:
What does the Gmajor add to the tone? It sounds great.
Thanks! I use the G-Major for loop attenuation for the F-50 (-8 dB on rhythm patches, -6 for solos); this drives the tubes used for the FX loop a bit harder while keeping the volume down. On Sullivan I add chorus and 540ms or so of delay. On Zero I use a pitch shifter for the solo, controlled by an expression pedal on my footcontroller. Otherwise, the G-Major is pretty much transparent, which is what I want in an effects unit.

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