Haggerty's Music Mark V II C+ Demo

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Well-known member
May 17, 2010
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The new one is up if anyone is interested. For anyone that has been following, I am not sure what happened to the Mark 1 mode demo but the II C+ demo is up. :D
No Problem Don. You guys did a great job once again. You had some killer tone there. Nice touch with the Pentode and Triode comparison. The differences are very minimal as far as sound goes. Pentode is definetly a little rounder sounding. For me, I find that the feel of the amp changes more so than the sound.

I read somewhere that in your earlier video demos you were using a Mark V combo plugged into a 212 recto cab. I currently own the 212 recto Horizontal. How would you compare it to the 412? Is there a substantial difference in tone between the two?

BTW... Very nice alternate picking. :)

Keep 'em coming!
The 2x12 Rectifier is my absolute fav. If you want a 4x12, I think you would be better off stacking another 2x12 on top of yours.

The 4x12 Rectifier is more scooped in the mids and brighter. The 4x12 Stiletto has more mids. The 2x12 seems to fit right in the middle.
Cool playing. 8)

I've played the Mark V a few times and likewise in the video, it has that 'scratchy' sound in the rhythm channel that I couldn't really dial out of it. Sort of reminds me of the harshness that I could never get out of the old Rec I had. The cleans are purdy for sure--and the leads are promising, no doubt. The Mark IVs,IIIs, IIs definitely have a different feel altogether then the new school sound of the V. I still would like to own one and give it a massive one over on the tubes and throw a nice Port City 4x12 OS under it.

Excellent job Don, and once again Thank You!!

I greatly look forward to future demos featuring the Mk 1 mode of channel 2 and the MkIV and Extreme modes of channel 3. Your demos have been top notch and are really helpful for existing owners that may have not yet found "their best tones" and potential new owners that may be considering the purchase of a MkV.

Great Job!! 8)