Guess the Amps

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, WA
Ok, so I've got 2 sites that have a few songs on them, with a few different amps used to record them, so if you can take a few minutes, pick a song (or 2 or 4) from each site and see if you can guess what amp was used on it.

The live stuff on the toneaddictjon site has me coming through the left and the other guitarist coming through the right, all the studio stuff is all me.
Decent into Madness - Mark III
Pentecostal Seed - Mark IV
Dragon FLy extnded - Dual Rec
Dreams of a Demon - Dual Rec and Mark IV (Layered maybe)
Open window - They delay and phase is throwing me but I'll stab and say Mark IV
Good guesses, but I should of put that there are no boogies in the recordings. Those would be the amps I thought they sounded most like as well though.

All the live stuff is a peavey ultra plus head into a 5150 cab close mic'd with a sm57 on the left and a crate gfx212 combo close mic'd with a sm57 on the right.

The studio stuff was all a (let the flaming begin) line 6 podxt live direct into a digi 001 into pro-tools.

Open Window is a strange one- it's actually my taylor recorded straight into the software, then added some wierd effects to make it sound a little different.
No flaming here! I'm completely impressed that you got a Line6 to sound that good 8) . I use a TonePort for my recording input - I can't get the Gearbox software (Pod XT basically) to sound like anything other than poo :roll: . Great tunes! I really liked them.
I based my decisions on the amps you had listed in your profile. Mean trick man :D

Not trying to defend my ears but I was listening on crappy LT speakers.

Great, now board members are going to be like..."that clutch doesn't know a mesa's from a pod!"

I'm tough I'll get over it.
clutch71 said:
Great, now board members are going to be like..."that clutch doesn't know a mesa's from a pod!"

Add me to that list! And I own a POD XT

ToneAddictJon you SOB! :lol:

Like “cluth71” I got the mindset of your equipment list I was trying to lock on to amps I know and guess the rest. I was trying to lock on to that Mark IV running the 6L6/EL34 that you use. Thought I heard a Peavey like amp but really just became unsure of everything. I think when I could not find a either your III or IV it just freaked me.
Now that you listed what you used I went backed and listened again I picked up on the POD this time, this is not a insult BTW, like “insideout” I’m also impressed, great sounding patches!

I also like your music, so keep posting when you add songs to the site.
Thanks Guys!!
I wasn't try to mess with anyone I just didn't think to put that down. I'll definitely let you know when I get some new stuff up there, and it will probably be all boogie, maybe a little line 6 to save my sanity when my mics don't agree with me. My producer was shocked when he heard those patches going direct as well, at first he was laughing at the pod, then asked where he could get one :D