Good cab choice for a dual rec?

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
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NS, Canada
Hey all,

I just recently purchased a dual rec from somebody which should be at my house in the next week or 2, but now I need to find a good cab to match it. I'd like to get a matching cab, but they aren't exactly easy to come across where I live, so I was wondering what would be the best cabs to go with a dual rec head? Theres somebody selling a Peavey 6505 cab near me, would that be a good cab to pair it up with? I'm really curious to what you guys would recommend.

Mesa and Orange cabs are very good. Generally the bigger the cab, the more bass you have, which can be bad if you like a tight sound. You have 2 weeks to do research, which is plenty of time.
I hate 6505 cabs theyre loaded with sheffield speakers which suck ... I'd def say go for a Basson sound cab theyre amazingly clear and have tons of low end which is a perfect match for the recto... to me Mesa cabs sound muddy but thats me, tones subective to taste so you know :lol: go to a guitar center or a local dealer that sells mesa and plug it into as many cabs as you can find and let your ears decide what you like, but def check out basson cabs their worth the look
Also keep in mind that a Recto is a very big sounding amp. Pairs really wel with a high quality 2x12. I went from a low-mid end 4x12 to a high end 2x12 (Bogner OS2x12 with V30's) and never looked back. Sounds really close to a 4x12 but is (slightly, since it's oversized) more portable. I really recommend it, do not expect the tightest sound on earth, but it gives the Recto some vintage flavour by smoothing out the high end, which I found to be rather piercing in a Mesa 4x12.

Anyway, I'm just saying, if you are on a budget, it is imo better to go for a good quality 2x12 than a crappy 4x12 (especially with a Recto which has plenty of bottom end and thickness).
nitrous2400 said:
I hate 6505 cabs theyre loaded with sheffield speakers which suck ... I'd def say go for a Basson sound cab theyre amazingly clear and have tons of low end which is a perfect match for the recto... to me Mesa cabs sound muddy but thats me, tones subective to taste so you know :lol: go to a guitar center or a local dealer that sells mesa and plug it into as many cabs as you can find and let your ears decide what you like, but def check out basson cabs their worth the look

Yeah, I'd love to try some stuff out with it, but theres one store in the whole province that sells mesa, and they don't ever order rectifiers and they really only have like 3 cabs in the whole store, so I'm pretty much screwed there.
I'd go with ones of these personally:

- Bogner
- Brunetti
- Mesa
I ran my DR through a 5150 cab (pretty much the same as the 6505) for some time and I thought they matched up well. I've always been a fan of the sheffield speakers and thought for the money they are one of the best deals on the used market. The real question is just gonna be if you like how the Recto sounds through whatever cab you get, I've grown found of EV's in 1x12's and 2x12's, but I do miss that sound you get out of a good 4x12 cab, whether it be loaded with v30's, c90's or sheffields - I don't like any of these speakers other than in a 4x12 configuration though.
Your speakers contribute a great deal to your sound. If it's possible, I would suggest trying them out before you buy. Listen with your ears and your gut. Personally, I would go for quality rather than quantity ... you know like .. one or two speakers that sound REALLY good versus 4 that might just sound Ok ...
Check out Basson cabs dude. They're 550.00 shipped right now and I just got one...they are nasty. Blow away Mesa cabs IMHO.
MiSeRY said:
Check out Basson cabs dude. They're 550.00 shipped right now and I just got one...they are nasty. Blow away Mesa cabs IMHO.

I'll definitely check them out. I wonder if you can get them shipped within Canada.

Best cabs in the world. Seriously.

And amazingly affordable. Do yourself a favor and check them out.
What is your style of music? It's really hard to recommend something without knowing what type of music you are going to play when you get your DR.
mackenziedeth said:
Yeah, I'd love to try some stuff out with it, but theres one store in the whole province that sells mesa, and they don't ever order rectifiers and they really only have like 3 cabs in the whole store, so I'm pretty much screwed there.

Didn't Long & McQuade buy MusicStop? If so, they should have a good selection of Mesa cabs in the Halifax location. I know in Ottawa L7M have a ton of cabs. Worth checking out if you haven't already.

BTW, I've had a few different Mesa/Marshall cabs, and ended up getting a Genz-Benz 2x12 for my DR. It's a very nice cab, and was under $600 new. I'd definitely give one a try if you have the opportunity. For the record, the other guitar player in my band has a standard Mesa 4x12 and it sounds very good as well. I personally don't want to lug a 4x12 everywhere, hence the decision to get a 2x12. =)
FullMontySmurf said:
Also keep in mind that a Recto is a very big sounding amp. Pairs really wel with a high quality 2x12. I went from a low-mid end 4x12 to a high end 2x12 (Bogner OS2x12 with V30's) and never looked back. Sounds really close to a 4x12 but is (slightly, since it's oversized) more portable. I really recommend it, do not expect the tightest sound on earth, but it gives the Recto some vintage flavour by smoothing out the high end, which I found to be rather piercing in a Mesa 4x12.

Anyway, I'm just saying, if you are on a budget, it is imo better to go for a good quality 2x12 than a crappy 4x12 (especially with a Recto which has plenty of bottom end and thickness).


I found my roadster to be extremely tight and big sounding when i was just playing it through my basson 2x12.... i've experiemented since and have a diezel 4x12 with the basson 2x12... but a 2x12 should be plenty of cab if your just playing in your bedroom or smaller gigs.... remember bigger the cab the more you have to turn up to fill the cab up

i really like the basson paired with the dual rec because they have a lot more clarity than really any other cab ive played since the mdf doesnt color the tone of the amp.... that can be a good thing or bad thing depending on what type of sound your going for.... best bet is to just try different cabs until you find what you like most..... if you budget concious give the avatar cabs a look... also you might
MiSeRY said:
Check out Basson cabs dude. They're 550.00 shipped right now and I just got one...they are nasty. Blow away Mesa cabs IMHO.

man i felt like an outcast for the logest time using Basson .... especially with everyone knocking them for being MDF...... seriously they sound incredible for heavy sounds as they keep everything tight and clear.... i've found they're a great compliment to other cabs as well..... when paired with my diezel its one of the best sounds i've heard... even with the 4x12 halfback i had it ended up enhancing everything...... it just adds clarity and tightness..... also its a great addition to combos..... especially onces that sound boomy or flubby.... plus they're a great value
mechanic said:
mackenziedeth said:
Yeah, I'd love to try some stuff out with it, but theres one store in the whole province that sells mesa, and they don't ever order rectifiers and they really only have like 3 cabs in the whole store, so I'm pretty much screwed there.

Didn't Long & McQuade buy MusicStop? If so, they should have a good selection of Mesa cabs in the Halifax location. I know in Ottawa L7M have a ton of cabs. Worth checking out if you haven't already.

Yup, I live in NB and found out this information AFTER I had Long and McQuade ship me a standard 4x12. Could have saved me a hundred bucks.

You should be able to order whatever Mesa stuff you want. Last time I was in Halifax they had the Stilletto head, 5:50 head, and in the amp room a Stilletto Ace combo and LoneStar special combo. They had both the over sized and standard 4x12's there to. I find the standard 4x12 to be awesome, I run a Mark IV into it and it makes a solid low end kick. Couldn't be happier with my sound. But like mentioned a Recto is bassier but I'm assuming it can't be a terrible combination considering the cab was designed for that amp... or at least named after haha.
jdurso said:
MiSeRY said:
Check out Basson cabs dude. They're 550.00 shipped right now and I just got one...they are nasty. Blow away Mesa cabs IMHO.

man i felt like an outcast for the logest time using Basson .... especially with everyone knocking them for being MDF...... seriously they sound incredible for heavy sounds as they keep everything tight and clear.... i've found they're a great compliment to other cabs as well..... when paired with my diezel its one of the best sounds i've heard... even with the 4x12 halfback i had it ended up enhancing everything...... it just adds clarity and tightness..... also its a great addition to combos..... especially onces that sound boomy or flubby.... plus they're a great value

i'm sooo glad i took your advice on checking out these cabs. i have the roadster combo and next to the V30's, the Eminence Legends sound pretty amazing. I think I'm going to buy another Mesa 2x12 to sit under the combo and I'll be in good shape.
MiSeRY said:
jdurso said:
MiSeRY said:
Check out Basson cabs dude. They're 550.00 shipped right now and I just got one...they are nasty. Blow away Mesa cabs IMHO.

man i felt like an outcast for the logest time using Basson .... especially with everyone knocking them for being MDF...... seriously they sound incredible for heavy sounds as they keep everything tight and clear.... i've found they're a great compliment to other cabs as well..... when paired with my diezel its one of the best sounds i've heard... even with the 4x12 halfback i had it ended up enhancing everything...... it just adds clarity and tightness..... also its a great addition to combos..... especially onces that sound boomy or flubby.... plus they're a great value

i'm sooo glad i took your advice on checking out these cabs. i have the roadster combo and next to the V30's, the Eminence Legends sound pretty amazing. I think I'm going to buy another Mesa 2x12 to sit under the combo and I'll be in good shape.

i love the mix of the v30s with the legends.... i'm going to try in the next couple of months to see if i can get my hands on a diezel 2x12 because i love the sound im getting now, but the 4x12 is just too much at times.... either a diezel or a mesa... either way something with v30s