Going to buy my 1st TriAxis, v1 ? v2 ? w/o FAT ???

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Apr 12, 2008
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So, I'm going to buy a used TA, I know the s/n which are with the Recto board and not FAT and which are Recto with FAT and there are the last version which is back to Mark 4 board and no FAT.
Thing is like this, If I want a Recto version without the FAT then it is only the old (very old) units, while on the other hand the units from the last 5 years are the one with the Mark4 board and no FAT.
I prefer the newest unit I can get (reliable aspect), meaning Mark4 board without FAT mode.
What do you think ?
I'm playing mainly progressive metal, should I be concern about the age of the old units and go for the newest or do you think there should not be any problem buying an old unit…
Confused here…
How's the availability in your neck of the woods?
For me personally I would basically lean towards a clean looking Triaxis with software version 2.0 if you feel you need the continous control.
From there on it's pretty subjective and all that discussion will basically revolve around Lead 1 Red. The only Triaxis I have played is the one I have had since the mid Nineties with the recto non fat Lead 1 Red which I like. it's just totally different than the Mark tone.
But in the end the Mark Tone on the Triaxis is really what matters, and you will have seven other complete preamps other than Lead 1 red to play with on that end. Mind you that those seven other preamps are all of Mark series lineage so they have some similarities.
And if you can find a newer one for a decent price then it's just that much newer on the components side.

Here's a pretty good thread if you haven't seen it.
Agreed that Lead 1 Red is mostly what is discussed in the triaxis and as with anything, farily subjective topic. Just get a nice clean triaxis and you should be ok! Enjoy the triaxis, awesome sounding preamp, at times, there's too many options plus you have to bring a midi footcontroller, so expect to bring more gear on gigs.
I've had all of the TriAxis versions, more than once. Currently I have the latest version, I guess you can say V3 w/o the Recto board....and I have to say that this one has the best sounding Lead 1 Red for my tastes. Lots of gain on tap, clear and focused. Reminds me of a Blue Stripe Mark III I used to own. I'm definitely happiest with this one....so much so that I plan to put my custon hardwood Mark IV up for sale soon.
Mine is S/N about 23xx and it has the Recto board but no FAT mod. Sounds great. I think Lead 1 Red sounds ******* SICK.
I've had all of the TriAxis versions, more than once. Currently I have the latest version, I guess you can say V3 w/o the Recto board....and I have to say that this one has the best sounding Lead 1 Red for my tastes. Lots of gain on tap, clear and focused. Reminds me of a Blue Stripe Mark III I used to own. I'm definitely happiest with this one....so much so that I plan to put my custon hardwood Mark IV up for sale soon.

Would you be so kind as to describe your impressions for each of the LD1 Red channels on of the Triaixs versions you've had. That would be very insightful.
I've owned two different Triaxis'. They were both Fat Mod. I like them both. I dont think you could go wrong with anything V2 even without Fat. Great sounding units.