''Gain stacking tone concepts part 3''

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Well-known member
May 13, 2009
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dundee, scotland
Hi and welcome to the delight's of gain stacking tone concepts.So far i,ve looked at how to develop a high gain lead/rhytmn sound by stacking a clean/mid boost type sound into a distortion type pedal or amp(please refer to the previous threads,''gain stacking tone concepts'' and ''gain stacking cocepts part 2'').I love that good old fender amp/guitar tone think S.R.V but always want a bit more if you know what i mean lol(being a rocker at heart)...fear not you can use gain stacking to do just that!Try running a tube screamer set as a clean mid boost into another which is maxed out...ah fender heaven!!!Or a tube screamer used as a mid boost into a cranked tube amp(both trade S.R.V tricks)and of course you can simulate this effect by stacking the channels of my fave mesa amp the good old Mark 3 by setting the lead channel low and cranking the second channel for cranked fender to cranked fender on steroids type of tone...OH YEAH!!!
Unfortunately the Lead and Rhythm channels on a Mark III are not that separate - you can set the Drive control low for Lead, but cranking the R1 Volume is going to get a stronger response from Lead. IOW, as you crank Volume 1, you need to further reduce Lead Drive, all things being equal. Not quite the same as Tube Screaming the front end. To say nothing of the fact that you're using the same tone stack and pre-amp tubes for Lead and Rhythm. Hey, but that's why we need pedals, and lots of 'em!
Stacking gain sources is fun 'cause you are almost stacking two different amps, different tone stacks, etc., like the Eric J./SRV concept of running Marshalls and Fenders together, to get the best of both.
This, of course, goes all the way back to the cranked Fuzz Face into a cranked Marshall. Some dude named Jimi...? :lol: