G-major in triaxis effects loop or not?

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Aug 22, 2011
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I have recently set up my triaxis with a 2/90 power amp and a g-major.
Currently I have it set up through the effects loop.
I have read that a lot of users run the the triaxis straight into the preamp.
Is this the preferred way?
I intend mainly to use time based (reverb/chorus/delay/ and a little bit of phaser) effects.
I am one from the old school who prefers to keep my tone 'analogue' where possible on settings that don't need any fx but
I am sure there are enough experienced users here who have 'been there, done that!'.
I look forward to the replies.

Thanks in advance.
I personally ran straight from the TriAxis to the G Major when I had that. No effects loop. I never tried it in the loop either so I can't comment on it. I can say that through the G Major on Bypass sounded the same as straight to my Power Amp.
If you plan on using the record outputs for anything, you should realize that you'll only get the complete sound from the TriAxis without any of the effects if you put it between your TriAxis and 2:Ninety instead of in the FX loop.

For my racks, I used an in-ear system for just the sound of my rack and nothing more. Then I could walk around and hear myself everywhere, regardless of what's coming through the floor monitors of the other members of the band. The in-ear transmitter was connected to the recording outputs of the TriAxis and I wanted to have the complete sound - including the effects - so I put those in the loop.
It always amazes me how often this comes up as a question. I mean, all you have to do it try it yourself and see which one sounds better to you. It's not really a technical issue - it's a sound issue. So, get to work and try it out! People need to listen more with their own ears rather than have their ears guided by the thoughts of others.
Thanks for the replies.
My ears are telling me that it sounds fine through the fx loop.
If a bypass the effects and turn the fx loop switch on the triaxis off there is not much difference. No for the long process of setting all of the sounds up!
Thanks again.
I run mine in the effects loop.
I prefer having it switched out completely on one of my main lead patches
Another reason for running it like this is that my Gmajor sometimes has 'locked up' mid gig. If it were wired inline i wouldnt be able to quickly switch it out and save the gig running sans FX. With the Gmajor post preamp I would have had to get back to the back of my rack and start pulling out cables quickly :(