G Major 2 Relay question

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Active member
Jan 20, 2010
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Ive searched and cant find an explanation... I have a gmajor 2 and in the manual it states that the 2 relays can switch up to four channels... I just don't see how. one jack, one relay for tip and one for ring. each operates by grounding out the said relay. How on earth can it do more than two?!?!?!? Im a noob at this so I'm sorry if the answer is an easy one. I run a Mark iv and would love to figure this out.
Thanks that definatley does clear that up. Ive also heard that the relay on the g major works differently than the how the switches on the mark work and that using the gmajor relay can damage a mark iv. Any ideas on that? I have a thread in the Mark section about this so I apologize for multiple posts containing the same info.