Full (High Quality) Band Clips: Recto Content!

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys!

So after 9 hours straight of recording, and getting everything worked out, my band recorded our first two tracks:


Available Time

All guitar is done by me, with my recto and SZ (PRS Tremonti pups)!

Tell me what you think! I'm pretty **** happy with it! If you have a myspace, please add us!

As a second thing, we're finalizing our name at the moment....our name was "Cygnus"....my drummer thought of the name "Father Carpet", and he is in love with it, as is my bassist...personally, I think it is a completely stupid name.....I'd really like some second opinions!

Thanks for your time!
Looks like the link is broken.

While Father Carpet is kind of wacky, I like Cygnus a lot better (assuming it's not taken by another band). I guess I'll reserve judgement until I hear the music itself.

As an aside, I'd recommend getting a Soundclick account to host your tunes (personally I can't stand MySpace, especially for music, as even well-mastered recordings usually sound horrible after undergoing their bit mutilation).
I'll go ahead an post them on a soundclick! Thanks for the advice!

They should be uploaded later today!
The link is broken but I found you guys, I typed in father carpet... :eek:

maybe this will help?

I agree with Season, Father Carpet is wacky. The name makes me think of stoner jam rock stuff. The name simply doesn't fit the music IMO. Cygnus is much better.

As for the music, good job! It sounds M U C H better with drums and bass, no disrespect. It adds a new realm to the guitars. Keep it up! recording only get easier and better or so they say. :p
Pretty good for a live, non-studio recording. It sounds like you used room mics for the drums, and possibly close(r)-miced the amps? Each instrument is nice and distinct.

Available Time reminds me a bit of Mad Season (a good comparison).

Definitely go with Cygnus.
First I thought....

Father...... Carpet??

Then.. Father Carpet.. Like a Priest?

Then.. Fart Carpet.. which I like better. :lol:

Sounds like ya'll have some skills, just keep practicing, I'm a hardass, get it tight.
Multi-tracking has been tough on us! When we jam, we're 100% tight, but the multi-tracking is making timing pretty difficult for some reason.
may I ask how do ya do in order to record those multi tracks ?

my experience tell me that:

1) record the drums, helping the drummer playing guitar, at low volume, in order for him to listen to the guitar and minimizing what the drums mics capture from your guitar. this will avoid many timming issues.

2) Record all of the other instruments.
In this point, I've had some problems: when you use a valve amp, it goes loud, so what I do, is simply get a long mic cable and a long guitar cable and put the amp in some room with a mic on it and close myself with my guitar in another room, so I listen to the sound on the pc speakers and not on the amp. This will also solve timming issues.
3) Record until you get it right. lolol.
4) To help the mix, try eq each track, boosting the treble, I think it lacks on your recording.

By the way I did like the 2nd song, nice tone... keep it up.
well hope it helps somehow.
I think I'm going to need to start isolation my amp. That will definitely help in the process! Thannks for the ideas!
Yes sir we do!

Opinions on the updated clips would be great! I'm not 100% happy with the vocalist, but it was very rushed....
Hate to put it out like this but I don't really like the melody of the vocals, I this the song is great but this way it goes really down on my score. The vocalist get out of tune way too often.

Sorry for the unpleasent comments but it's what I think about it.
No problem at all! I appreciate it....fortifies my thoughts.

I completely agree with you. He's a big work in progress, but he definitely has potential.
yeah, i think the link is broken...

as far as the band names....dude, don't call your band father whatever....that IS lame....

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