this is a 2000 cu22... middle singlecoil route was added along with a rosewood headstock veneer.... refin done in a whale blue with natural back cleared in a satin nitro.... prs 245 pickups, hipshot tuners and lr baggs x bridge piezeo system[i didnt hook it up].... prs case and i will put the prs logo back on this week...
asking $1300 plus shipping...
$1450 with wolfetone dr v/bridge and legend/neck....
looking to trade for a mesa boogie tremoverb or maybe other mesa's... heads or combos... I do like les pauls and stoptail prsi.... I have a drop of cash to add for the right item....
asking $1300 plus shipping...
$1450 with wolfetone dr v/bridge and legend/neck....
looking to trade for a mesa boogie tremoverb or maybe other mesa's... heads or combos... I do like les pauls and stoptail prsi.... I have a drop of cash to add for the right item....