Free preset editor software for G-Major users

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Apr 13, 2007
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Hi everyone,
I was following this forum for some time after I bough my Mark IV.
I used to advertise following message in all the forums I join but some how I forgot this time due to my excitement about MKIV last few weeks.

Ok here it goes.

I have developed a software to edit patches for T.C. Electronics' G-Major guitar processor, titled GLydian . It is available on effect forum.

Some features of the GLydian are:

  • It is written in Java programming language, so you can run it on Windows, Apple Macs, Linux or any other OS which has Java available on it.
  • This is a very user friendly piece of software which has VST plug-in like interface with Dials, LEDs and such. So it is very intuitive to use.
  • You can edit a currently loaded patch in G-Major through your computer in real-time. That way you can hear how the sound changes while you are tuning UI's Dial.
  • You can maintain a library of patches in your computer and copy & past individual effects across patches.
  • Intuitive interface to edit and assign modifiers

If you have a G-Major, download this software, and it is free. I am still looking for some new ideas to improve the features of GLydian, so you can suggest any new features you would like to have.
Will it have the ability to share with others? like a tone/effect library for people to post their settings?
Finnster said:
Will it have the ability to share with others? like a tone/effect library for people to post their settings?

Of cause!!
The best way to share and store Presets is SysEx files (SysEx is a MIDI message in binary format and G-Major understand these messages). Using GLydian you can create a SysEx message and save it to hard disk or send it directly to your G-Major. You can share these SysEx files with anyone.

The impotent part is you can create patch using GLydian while you are listening to the changes in real time. That means when you change some parameter knob/dial in GLydian interface you can here how it affect your sound.

There are many other features to help you create patches in GLydian.
here is a screenshot of the application.

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