Found a nice OD/Dist pedal for use with the DCs!

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caucajun said:
if i have a good amp, i won't even hook up my pedals to it. likely, i will leave the amp on the distortion channel, and futz w/ my guitar volume all night.

i keep a barber direct drive for emergencies, tho'. it's a good all around / sounds like sd-1 and ts-9/ 808 type of utility pedal.

i HAVE a 1981 SD-1, but, it's so clean, i hate to risk it onstage.......ditto w/ my 1987 CE-2........great sounding pedals tho' they are.......they be tradin' bait down de road.......(i got one 'nem cool cats choruses , too........nice.......not my thang......holler if ya wanna trade me fer it.)

a good amp don't need no help.......i iz spoked. :roll: :lol:

Wow, dude, you are from the deep South!!! LOL. I know what you mean by a good amp not needing pedals, but you can't get around using a pedal for delays. IMO, delays are a MUST. And, a dist/OD pedal just increases an amp's tonal variety. Beyond a good OD, delay, and wah..... the rest is just extra.
I do agree that a good amp is all you need but why limit yourself. Pedals should'nt be looked at as "help" but rather as "sonic options". My band improvises alot and I like to have plenty of toys around because you just never know where the journey will lead and it's nice to feel prepared no matter where the music is taking you at that moment. :D
billboogie said:
I do agree that a good amp is all you need but WHY LIMIT YOURSELF?. Pedals should'nt be looked at as "help" but rather as "sonic options". My band improvises alot and I like to have plenty of toys around because you just never know where the journey will lead and it's nice to feel prepared no matter where the music is taking you at that moment. :D

:?: "why limit yourself?" indeed.................

consider this..... :arrow: ........."the best music ever made was during a time when musicians WERE limited (gearwise). they did the best they could with what they had." i believe that limitations can inspire greatness.

think of the LIMITLESS number of gewgaws and gadgets available to the musical public........and then, think of all the tripe and junk that the same musical public produces.

mind you......that's just my opinion........but, i didn't get to be 46 w/out learnin' a l'il sump'n!

i'm not advising you or ANYONE on what to buy, use, or yo' thang.................i'm just answering the question the way i read it.

keep it friendly, y'all! :D
caucajun, Excellent point regarding the gear limitations of our heroes. Very well stated, and point taken. I also agree with the junk (both music-wise and equipment-wise) that is available these days. I did'nt mean to come off sounding defensive. I respect all musicians in the belief that we can all learn a little something from each other, and I am old enough to know that there are many ways to go about it, and it really is a personal journey to sonic satisfaction. The greatest joy I get from playing is the fact that I will be still be learning new things about guitar/gear right up untill I'm all over and done, :)
billboogie said:
caucajun, Excellent point regarding the gear limitations of our heroes. Very well stated, and point taken. I also agree with the junk (both music-wise and equipment-wise) that is available these days. I did'nt mean to come off sounding defensive. I respect all musicians in the belief that we can all learn a little something from each other, and I am old enough to know that there are many ways to go about it, and it really is a personal journey to sonic satisfaction. The greatest joy I get from playing is the fact that I will be still be learning new things about guitar/gear right up untill I'm all over and done, :)

"spoken like a gentleman!"

i hope i didn't appear annoyed.....i wasn''s a "tricky-b*tch" to make one's-self clear in print, this way........lot's of opp's for mis-understoodin', i "gar-awn-tea!"

dig yo' pedals, ma fren!.........i just went thru a buying streak while quitting smokin'........i stopped at 30......have sold most off.........will sell the remainder this point......i hope to never see another!

it's just DC-3......and my 84 westone prestige iz sweet!

party on, wayne!
Rock on my man! You bring a great flavor (maybe cajun? :lol: ) to the board. I am new to this and will keep in mind how printed words may be interpeted. We should all bare in mind that we all take and give here with the goal of forming a recipe of what we percieve as our own tonal or sonic happiness. (That's a little sappy :lol: but it gets my point across :lol: )