For Heavy stuff...Mark IV, or Mark V?

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Van Nuys, CA
Alrighty, so it's been out for awhile now, and folks have had time to experiment, so I thought I would ask...

If I'm going for some heavy tones, exclusively, would the better option be a Mark IV, or a Mark V?
I know the Mark V is basically a mixture of the Mark I, IIC+ and IV, and the IV is mainly, the IV...

but if i don't care so much about the clean...and would probably be using mainly Ch. 3...

which amp would you choose?

Mark IV's still go pretty cheaply sometimes since people want to move to a V...but to buy a V just to use the IV's settings, I wonder whether to just save the $$ and get a IV and be done with it.

but what would I be missing?

If you're not going to be using cleans all that much and mainly going to live on channel three, you'd probably be better off just getting the IV and saving some cash at the same time. I have a V but have never owned any other Boogies so I can't say if it's better than the IV but alot of people say the lead channel on the IV is superior than the V's lead channel. But at the same time, channel two on the V is superior to the IV's channel two. Guess it just depends on what's more important to you.
+1 Save some cash and get a IV. Nothing against the Mark V, the IV is just an amazing amp for about $800 less. If money is no concern go with the V.
Get the IV if you're only using channel 3. Unless you like old trebly sounding thrash metal, then i'd say get the five.
First, I've never played a V. I'm able to coax enough great tones from Channels 1 & 2 of my Mark IV that I don't feel compelled to get the broader palette offered by the V. The Mark IV Lead Channel deserves all the praise it gets and is the primary reason these amps are revered, though I'm sure the V has great Lead tones as well. You could always sell the IV, recoup the money, and move on.
If the lead channel is all you are interested in, my comparison's to date would say go with the IV and save the money.

Hell, go with a Mark III and save a few more bucks. They had (maybe still have) a used Mark III at guitar center in Durham NC that sounds killer. Slightly different tone then the Mark IV lead channel, but killer nonetheless
Mark V for sure,

I used to own the mark IV and I like the V better for metal, channel 2 can do metal also.
mightywarlock said:
Alrighty, so it's been out for awhile now, and folks have had time to experiment, so I thought I would ask...

If I'm going for some heavy tones, exclusively, would the better option be a Mark IV, or a Mark V?
I know the Mark V is basically a mixture of the Mark I, IIC+ and IV, and the IV is mainly, the IV...

but if i don't care so much about the clean...and would probably be using mainly Ch. 3...

which amp would you choose?

Mark IV's still go pretty cheaply sometimes since people want to move to a V...but to buy a V just to use the IV's settings, I wonder whether to just save the $$ and get a IV and be done with it.

but what would I be missing?

Right now, guitarampsUSA for sale link to ebay, $305 for MKIV EVM12 speaker. I would go for a hot deal on a IV. You buy 7 of those for one MKV. Just saying...... 8)
Like some of these dudes are saying if its just channel 3 that you want then get the IV, but for that and the versatility get a mark V. Channel 3 on the V can get heavy as hell. 7 string and extreme mode= jizz in pants
I own a Mark V. I am also a former Mark IV owner, and the IV can't even come close to what the V can do. Using Extreme mode with the preset eq gives almost like Mark series clarity sound mixed with a recto brutality sound. Plus if you're recording, having the three modes to blend just makes for extra heaviness. Also as said above, Crunch can do high gain with a british voice, unlike the pretty much useless channel 2 of the IV.

Check it out:
Les Paul Studio with a SH-5 in the bridge.
Guitar 1:
Mark IIC+ mode
Graphic EQ
SM-57 + CAD M-177 Condenser (One on each speaker)

Guitar 2:
Extreme Mode
Preset EQ
Sennhesier E609 + CAD M-177 Condenser (One on each speaker)

Other than leveling the volume for each track, there is no addtional production. No eq, compression etc.

All the songs on my bands myspace was done with the V, we are brewtz.
V on extreme mode is heavier than anything the IV can muster. :twisted:
Extreme Mode is a Mark IV.

If all you want is to rip faces, don't get a Mark IV, even. Buy a 100w Mark III.
phyrexia said:
Extreme Mode is a Mark IV.

If all you want is to rip faces, don't get a Mark IV, even. Buy a 100w Mark III.

Mesa says it's a IV w/ the pres pushed in but it has way more low end and tightness then the IV did. I call b.s. :wink:
bradg said:
Mesa says it's a IV w/ the pres pushed in but it has way more low end and tightness then the IV did. I call b.s. :wink:

Not any I have tried.

A few weeks ago I A/B'd a Mark V with my Mark IV (ear bleeding volume through a recto 4x12) and I would say I got the lead channel on the IV and extreme mode on the V sounding about as close as you could get.

Both amps sounded killer. ( Though the V's first two channels killed the first two on the Mark IV)

But neither was tighter, and I had to turn the bass knobs considerably higher on the V to get the same level of bass that the IV had. Above that point the bass was flubby on both amps.
phyrexia said:
If all you want is to rip faces, don't get a Mark IV, even. Buy a 100w Mark III.

They go one at GC in Durham that I played a few weeks ago.

I concur completely.

Has a little nastiness to it as well.
ESlinker said:
But at the same time, channel two on the V is superior to the IV's channel two.

I disagree. Different? Yes. Better? Not necessarily. It has more gain than R2 on the IV. But that's not inherently better. And the same can be said for the cleans. They're both excellent. But different.

As for heavy. Both can do heavy.

I do think the IV is more saturated than the V though.
I saw this video on Youtube (its not mine - dont worry im not trying to self promote) and it seems to give a good indication of how the Mark V sounds on the different modes. THe guy is playing some nice metal rythem guitar so possibly could help you in your choice.

Either way both amps rock and you should be happy either way.

Personally id just get the Mark V and go with the "new" amp and get the warranty and be worry free for a few years with it. But hey tough economic times and saving money is never a bad thing.