Footswitch pouch??? WTF???

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Karl Houseknecht

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
I've never put mine in the darn thing on the combo, but what the heck good is that pouch? I just tried for the first time to get it in there. How would you even get the footswitch in there without busting some tubes? Anyone have any tips or tricks on that?
yes it is a veeeerrry tight fit but its mostly for the power cord...if you want to use the pouch unscrew the back panel..then take the screws out that hold the pouch in...or call mesa and get a separate pouch,,like the one that comes with the head unit...... :) i tried that once too :? certainly doesnt fit with the 6L6s in there
there is a pocket on the side of the cover but the switch doesnt fit all the way in.....
mesa metal said:
yes it is a veeeerrry tight fit but its mostly for the power cord.

They ship the footswitch from the factory in that pouch. But yeah, I've always used the pouch for the power cord and/or footswitch cable. And the one on the slipcover for the switch.
To get it cleanly in and out you have to pop the tube guard off, then make sure the pedal switches are aligned with the gaps between the tubes as you lift up and down. In other words: a total pain in the ass. I use a One Control OC10 with a Mini Amp Gizmo, so the footswitch is in the attic in its original wrapping. The Mini Amp Gizmo goes in/out of the pouch no problem by the way :D
Yep, that's why I still have the Mark III.
Two Phase 90-size pedals.
I roll 'em up in my sleeves like smokes on a 50's delinquent.
LOL! Good stuff, guys. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that pouch is useless as tits on a wild boar.

I'll be eventually getting something like an Amp Gizmo or GCX to handle switching from my mini rack, but in the meantime, I'll just keep toting the switch separately.

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