"following Light" (all mark2b)

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
"following Light"


specifically, how does this translate to headphones?

i'm working on a theory........
awesome gonzo ! as always. sounded fantastic in my headphones. great separation. esp on acoustics and ryth. gtrs.
I noticed very good separation, nice and subtle but definitely noticeable on the backing vocals around 3:50, the two parts panned left and right; nice touch; and the acoustic parts following that. The electric guitars sound great. Do you do anything special with the MkII, or is that pretty much "as is?"
thanks for listening!
good to know about the headphone translation, if you don't mind me asking, what do you listen thru?
over ear, open, earbuds, etc?

appreciate the comments kiwi....

the mark 2b is stock.

i DO run it a bit differently, as i sometimes use Groovetubes Substitubes in it, running el84's instead of 6l6's.

totally changes the feel and frequency reponse to my ears...

but this is with the good ole 6l6's.

i am running into a Weber Mass Lite to drive the head harder than my room will allow the volume..
on this song, i'm capturing the guitar parts direct using a Palmer PDI-09 to get line level.

on a couple of guitar tracks, i used a mic, a few feet off the cab....
generally , i mix those behind the direct ones.

i always run the amp dry fx wise, and add any room effects or other, on mixdown.
ear buds my good friend. a pair of Phillips. not top end, but probably middle road. $40-$50 range. loved some of the beatle-esque type things.
Sounds great Gonzo. Cohesive and well mixed. Listened with the Apple ear buds that came with my iPhone. Can listen again at home with higher res sound card and phones. Good job!!
sounds like you've probalby got what would be considered the most common level of earbud?
that's good to know, that's probably a target for learning freq curves and how stuff translates, especially on the top and bottom end.

thanks for checking it out, glad you dig it

apple ear buds, don't those things hurt?!!

the big plastic ones, that don't fit the ear canal?
at least, the last apple buds i tried, wouldn't stay in my head.....
hard plastic, very uncomfortable, and no low end.
maybe they've improved them since then....
i hope so!

thanks for listening
thanks mudfoot!

the solo tones on that one, are all miced.
and the rhythm tones, i think were the Palmer PDI-09

i wanted a drier attack, but then added some verb to place it better.

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