flip the reverb tank?

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
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North Carolina
I have seen a thread about cutting out the front panel for easy tube access. I know respect that idea since I changed my preap tubes recently and had another issue with channel 3. I have plenty of extra tubes so no issue to resolve the problem (so far my power tubes have not smoked or red plated.... yet). I will be sure to fill out my warranty card with a few comments. Not too happy with this amp for the time being. I just do not want to remove the amp from the shell again and agan just to acces the tubes. Also, I really do not want to remove or cut the enclosure, although having more air flow is a novel idea.

My thoughts, remove the reverb tank and pop out the T nuts. Install the T nuts on the inside of the amp and mount the reverb tank from the bottm. That would provide access to the preamp tube and maybe a good view of the sockets. I will see if it is feasable. Any thoughts or suggestions on doing this?
It can be done, however, it would have to hang a bit low since the silicone rubber bushings serve to dampen the reverb but not by much. That would be too easy. Besides that, the sharp corners on the top of the tank which would now be the bottm would easily snag onto something which may cause the reverb enclosure to get damaged or worse.

I like the reverd more than the ease of tube replacment.