To me it has never sounded great , a dry midrange feel , so
now with it's age i'll look at replacing the pwr supply caps
[ although it doesn't really hum much ] and will plan a few mods
to do to it at the same time so trying to plan them together
ser # 16696 appears to be no stripe , rythym 2 is screened over the mkII panel
bought it new mid 80's ,[ with the hype " Boogies retain their value " yeah right ]
the outside pair output tubes are wired triode , i added
[ 1k ? ] resisters between the plate and screen as per mesa recomendation
and mostly i prefer to run el 34's in outside sockets by themselves [ nicer 17 watts ]
added trimmer to control R2 [ changes depending overall master volume ]
It's a bit ratty sounding for overdrive these days , hadn't used it for a while
I would prefer a smoother sound with " texture " not so hard sounding
overdrive decay on the lead channel drops off a little too quickly leaving
Any recomendations appreciated , tia
now with it's age i'll look at replacing the pwr supply caps
[ although it doesn't really hum much ] and will plan a few mods
to do to it at the same time so trying to plan them together
ser # 16696 appears to be no stripe , rythym 2 is screened over the mkII panel
bought it new mid 80's ,[ with the hype " Boogies retain their value " yeah right ]
the outside pair output tubes are wired triode , i added
[ 1k ? ] resisters between the plate and screen as per mesa recomendation
and mostly i prefer to run el 34's in outside sockets by themselves [ nicer 17 watts ]
added trimmer to control R2 [ changes depending overall master volume ]
It's a bit ratty sounding for overdrive these days , hadn't used it for a while
I would prefer a smoother sound with " texture " not so hard sounding
overdrive decay on the lead channel drops off a little too quickly leaving
Any recomendations appreciated , tia