First time Boogie owner...Green Stripe Mark III

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Aug 14, 2012
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Like the title says...A Green Stripe, short-body, from March of 1990. After playing through it for a few hours I felt like I had a decent handle on it. It's not quite as "chuggy" as some newer amps...But it's pretty cool.

I've played through a IIc+ and thought it was pretty good...Just spent some time with an old Mark I...While this Mark III isn't either of those amps...It's still pretty cool.

I Read up on the C30, C27 and C516 mods and decided to dig in. C30 was missing which was to be expected...But C27 and C516 were the "recommended" values of 20pf and .005mf respectively. I tacked in a 1000pf silver mica cap and tried that out. That went a long way to making the lead channel more pleasing.

There are tons of tones in this thing. The lead channel alone can go anywhere from this spankin', just breakin' up, "clean" tone I have dialed in right now, to a full out Metallica shred. All the controls seem to be very interactive and I can definitely see why some people would have a hard time getting what they want if they expected to just plug in and go.

Rhythm 1 is just soooo bright and percussive. R2 I haven't spent much time with...But it does seem to interact with the lead channel a bit.(ie...Having it turned on seems to make the lead channel a bit fatter.)

The two issues with it...I need a reverb tank and a fan. Other than that...It seems to be fine.

Any other tips/mods I should look at?


Congrats. The Mark III is a great amp.

I suggest keeping the Presense very low (I keep mine around 2) and the Treble high. This should help with taming some of the harshness and buzziness.

My other suggestion is performing the R2 mod, which is easy to do and adds a separate volume control for channel 2 which allows you to more easily balance the volumes of the 3 channels. Info on the mod can be found on this forum.