Well, I've been lurking on the board for a little while now, and decided to make my first post. I got my first Mesa, a LSC 1x12 about a month ago. I've been impressed with it, but it was finally time to gig out with it. Friday night was the blues/rock band, who has been impressed w/ the Tone since I got it. Had a good gig. Saturday night was w/ the Rock n' Roll cover band. I fill for one of the guitar players since he had to have shoulder surgery, and it has been about a little more than a month since I've played with them.
Before becoming a Lonestar player, I used an Ampeg Reverberocket 50 head w/ a 4-12 cab. Now, I can hear some snickers out there, but I still like the clean tone of the Reverberocket. (not better than the LSC, though). Anyways, after the first set, the guitar player I was filling in for came up to me and said "damn, how much do you want for that amp? I want that sound." This comment came from someone who's tone and playing I respect & admire, so you can imagine how good that felt.
After the gig, both the sound man, the lighting man, and the rest of the people in the band commented on how good it sounded that night, and continued to give the other lead guy in the band some **** about his H&K Triamp. (He's got a great tone too, but it was amusing.)
Anyways, It was a great weekend of live music, and I couldn't be happier with my Lonestar. I am planning on trying the Reeder mod, as it seems like it's up my alley. (Although Ch. 2 sounded great last night, am I being greedy?)
enjoying the forum,
Before becoming a Lonestar player, I used an Ampeg Reverberocket 50 head w/ a 4-12 cab. Now, I can hear some snickers out there, but I still like the clean tone of the Reverberocket. (not better than the LSC, though). Anyways, after the first set, the guitar player I was filling in for came up to me and said "damn, how much do you want for that amp? I want that sound." This comment came from someone who's tone and playing I respect & admire, so you can imagine how good that felt.
After the gig, both the sound man, the lighting man, and the rest of the people in the band commented on how good it sounded that night, and continued to give the other lead guy in the band some **** about his H&K Triamp. (He's got a great tone too, but it was amusing.)
Anyways, It was a great weekend of live music, and I couldn't be happier with my Lonestar. I am planning on trying the Reeder mod, as it seems like it's up my alley. (Although Ch. 2 sounded great last night, am I being greedy?)
enjoying the forum,