Farewell Roadster

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echoes420 said:
The Roadster is the amp of amps. It is like a super computer of expression. Think about it... how many other all tube amps out there have options that even put it in the same league as the Roadster? I don't think anything else is even in the same sport as the Roadster. Ha!

Well the Engl SE and VHT (escuse me, Fryette :roll: ) UL come to mind, though I don't think either have reverb (but if you can afford either of those heads, I'd imagine getting a MIDI setup including 'verb wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility :D). Either way though, tonally, the Roadster still wins IMO! But I'm sure Splawns sound ******* awesome too 8)
Metaltastic said:
echoes420 said:
The Roadster is the amp of amps. It is like a super computer of expression. Think about it... how many other all tube amps out there have options that even put it in the same league as the Roadster? I don't think anything else is even in the same sport as the Roadster. Ha!

Well the Engl SE and VHT (escuse me, Fryette :roll: ) UL come to mind, though I don't think either have reverb (but if you can afford either of those heads, I'd imagine getting a MIDI setup including 'verb wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility :D). Either way though, tonally, the Roadster still wins IMO! But I'm sure Splawns sound f%&# awesome too 8)

Yeah I'd love to pick up an SE...but that's one hell of a price tag. The Splawn will be cool because every show we play the other bands are running either 5150's or Rectos. It'll be kind of nice to do something different. Another thing I've been considering is another Savage 120. The Caparison sounds MASSIVE compared to my RGA and would probably fill out the low midrange that the Savage lacks.
I actually dont blame you one bit for getting a different amp.

ANY lag on that level of an amp is just not acceptable. But did you ever talk to Mesa about it? Possible send it in?

Again really sorry to hear! Let us know about that Nitro!

I think I will stick to my trusty Dual Rectos.
Sorry to hear about the lag issue with yours Nitro... sucks man.

I have a Roadster and I have zero issues with it; best amp I have ever owned.
Hey Nitro... I went out to the rehearsal space for like 14 hours yesterday and gave my Roadster the run through for real.

And my new suggestion to you is this... and anyone else having a hard time dealing with the lag... I figured out a way to completely eliminate the lag on mine. I would imagine this would work for all of them, but I can't believe that no one else has suggested this.

I found that if you leave the reverb button on the footswitch engaged at all times, regardless of if you have reverb on in the channel strip or not, it COMPLETELY eliminated the lag. It actually seemed just as fast, if not faster than my Rev. G. Just in case you were wondering, my reverb settings are...

Channel one-11 o clock
Channel two-10 o clock
Channel three-9 o clock
Channel four-none

Let me know if it helps you out.
echoes420 said:
Hey Nitro... I went out to the rehearsal space for like 14 hours yesterday and gave my Roadster the run through for real.

And my new suggestion to you is this... and anyone else having a hard time dealing with the lag... I figured out a way to completely eliminate the lag on mine. I would imagine this would work for all of them, but I can't believe that no one else has suggested this.

I found that if you leave the reverb button on the footswitch engaged at all times, regardless of if you have reverb on in the channel strip or not, it COMPLETELY eliminated the lag. It actually seemed just as fast, if not faster than my Rev. G. Just in case you were wondering, my reverb settings are...

Channel one-11 o clock
Channel two-10 o clock
Channel three-9 o clock
Channel four-none

Let me know if it helps you out.


YOU'RE A LIFE SAVER! I never tried that before because I never use reverb on channels 3 or 4. NO LAG!

Thank you SO much man! The Roadster isn't going anywhere!
No problem man. I am stoked that it worked for you.

I hope it works for everyone else too.
Cool tip. Honestly, if you love the tone of the Roadster, I think you'd tire quick of the Nitro. It has too much low end and other issues that made me - a Recto over - dislike it. I played a prototype before they were released, I had a stock model, and you know the infamous custom voiced one-off Nitro? That was made for me. Couldn't adjust from the Recto.
echoes420 said:
Hey Nitro... I went out to the rehearsal space for like 14 hours yesterday and gave my Roadster the run through for real.

And my new suggestion to you is this... and anyone else having a hard time dealing with the lag... I figured out a way to completely eliminate the lag on mine. I would imagine this would work for all of them, but I can't believe that no one else has suggested this.

I found that if you leave the reverb button on the footswitch engaged at all times, regardless of if you have reverb on in the channel strip or not, it COMPLETELY eliminated the lag. It actually seemed just as fast, if not faster than my Rev. G. Just in case you were wondering, my reverb settings are...

Channel one-11 o clock
Channel two-10 o clock
Channel three-9 o clock
Channel four-none

Let me know if it helps you out.


...needs to be made into another post and made into a sticky. It makes sense now...since the lag is supposed to be to eliminate reverb wash.
mikey383 said:
echoes420 said:
Hey Nitro... I went out to the rehearsal space for like 14 hours yesterday and gave my Roadster the run through for real.

And my new suggestion to you is this... and anyone else having a hard time dealing with the lag... I figured out a way to completely eliminate the lag on mine. I would imagine this would work for all of them, but I can't believe that no one else has suggested this.

I found that if you leave the reverb button on the footswitch engaged at all times, regardless of if you have reverb on in the channel strip or not, it COMPLETELY eliminated the lag. It actually seemed just as fast, if not faster than my Rev. G. Just in case you were wondering, my reverb settings are...

Channel one-11 o clock
Channel two-10 o clock
Channel three-9 o clock
Channel four-none

Let me know if it helps you out.


...needs to be made into another post and made into a sticky. It makes sense now...since the lag is supposed to be to eliminate reverb wash.

Yeah, I kind of feel like an idiot now that I stop and think about it. I'm usually pretty on the ball...but I definitely had a tard moment
Nitrobattery said:
Yeah, I kind of feel like an idiot now that I stop and think about it. I'm usually pretty on the ball...but I definitely had a tard moment

I definitely wouldn't say you're a tard for not figuring it out...there have been numerous inquiries about the channel switching lag.

Kinda explains why some people have the trouble and some don't. It's all dependent on the settings.

Now that I know this, maybe it's time I pay the Roadster a visit.
I only get lag when I'm using the footswitch, but not when I'm switching via GCX.

I also use a separate amp for cleans (Roland JC120).

You'll regret selling it. I tried to sell my ROADSTER after I sold my Triple Recto but I just couldn't do it. So, I bought my MARK V and ate ramen noodles for about two months.
MesaGod666 said:
I only get lag when I'm using the footswitch, but not when I'm switching via GCX.

I also use a separate amp for cleans (Roland JC120).

You'll regret selling it. I tried to sell my ROADSTER after I sold my Triple Recto but I just couldn't do it. So, I bought my MARK V and ate ramen noodles for about two months.

Now that the lag is fixed it isn't going anywhere. I was very happily (and obnoxiously I'm sure) riffing away today and switching channels every few seconds with glee.
Nitrobattery, ya goof... :lol:

Speaking of reverb, when you have the reverb turned off from the back, does that mean I can still engage and disengage the reverb via footswitch? Cause currently I have it in the on position, and the reverb doesn't disengage even if I turn off the reverb on the footswitch...
Luckily the small lag never bothered me, but now I want to try having the reverb button on just see if there is a difference with mine.

I've learned that every amp has it's quirks, and it's just a matter of whether you can personally live with them or not on any given amp. Everyone has different tolerance thresholds for certain things.
jdurso said:
reading this thread brought a tear to my eye... another happy ending on the boogie board :D

Yes but it does beg the question as to why Mesa hasn't answered this dilemna? What if Nitro wanted to use Reverb on either channel 3 or 4? Seems relatively common and goes back to other models. The Series 1 Singles and Rectoverbs come to mind.

A hobbyist like myself has time to explore and or just live with the problem. A gigging musician like Nitrobattery really doesn't have the time, nor can live performances suffer from gear issues, and potentially young/starting out musicians don't have the money for a mutiple amp rig. Especially with the Roadster being a $2000 amp.

Could this not cause Mesa to lose an endorsement down the road?

Let the record show that I'm happy that you found a solution and are keeping the Roadster, but having an amp similar to your internet monicker would have been kinda cool. :D
clutch71 said:
jdurso said:
reading this thread brought a tear to my eye... another happy ending on the boogie board :D

Yes but it does beg the question as to why Mesa hasn't answered this dilemna? What if Nitro wanted to use Reverb on either channel 3 or 4? Seems relatively common and goes back to other models. The Series 1 Singles and Rectoverbs come to mind.

A hobbyist like myself has time to explore and or just live with the problem. A gigging musician like Nitrobattery really doesn't have the time, nor can live performances suffer from gear issues, and potentially young/starting out musicians don't have the money for a mutiple amp rig. Especially with the Roadster being a $2000 amp.

Could this not cause Mesa to lose an endorsement down the road?

Let the record show that I'm happy that you found a solution and are keeping the Roadster, but having an amp similar to your internet monicker would have been kinda cool. :D

Oh I totally agree. I don't use reverb on channels 3 or 4....but I think it's lame to have the channel be able to have that feature...but not be able to use it.