Fan noise can be heard on all channel

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Mar 19, 2014
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Hi everyone ! New Mark V user here, got a good deal for a used Mark V Head (1400$ with Amp Gizmo included) but found a small issue...

I can hear the fan running on all channel. It seem to be more present on clean channel just probably because this channel is less noisy at all. If I turn up the Master or Output, the fan noise stay at the same level (is not beeing amplified). If I turn off the fan, channel become quiet and no noise at all but owner manual say to let the fan running if possible !

This is my first Mesa Boogie and of course my first Mark amp so I don't know if this is normal ?! I didn't find a GC with a Mark V head to compare noise.

As I see in layout, the Fan is located near the V7 tube (phase inverter), may be this tube is microphonic... ? If I knock the amp gently, the fan noise disapear shortly.
Hi, does V7 have the metal screen in place? all pre tubes has their corresponding metal screen in place?...

At very low volume (at my apartment after 10pm on a monday with my son sleeping next room) I can hear the fan but not through the amp... at normal volume (channel master at 9 o'clock and global master at 11 or 12 o'clock) I can't hear it at all. I hope it just a problem of insulating the tubes.

Thank for reply !

All metal screen are in place, well seated. I will try to replace V7 to see if problem persist... If this is a microphonic issue, I will be able to isolate the preamp tube by tapping each with a pen !

The fan noise through the amp appear after 10-15 mins playing, so probably an overheat or microphonic issue ?! Or may be an electric noise from the fan, but this will be amplified with Master or Output setting...