Fair price for a Tremoverb?

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2009
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I am looking at a basically NOS tremoverb combo, it has been completely gone-over by divided by 13, retolexed in original Mesa tolex, and looks absolutely spotless, and comes with a very high-end rolling ATA case. All new tubes, etc. What would you say is a fair price for the combo shipped? Iwas thinking around 1200 or so considering the condition and the case and the security knowing im getting a working reliable amp... i had the head, but hated having to deal with the stack, don't mind the combo as i have a band/roadies to help me load/unload, it will never be handled by a single individual basically.
That is a *lot* of amp for the money. In other ways too... which is why they are so undervalued, but if you're aware of the weight and are comfortable with that, no problem. I just got used to it - I wouldn't trade mine for any of the lighter or more valuable amps I've ever owned. Actually having it in the case makes it easier - it's then a definite two-man-only move, and you don't have to worry about scuffing it on anything. (Though door frames etc may not be so lucky...)
haha yes. well when i had the half stack it was ALWAYS a two man move, and it took two trips usually. this will take one trip, and weigh even less than the half-stack. its just the idea of a combo comes off as "lighter and convenient", but its not the case for these real heavy-duty amps i guess. it ill be easier to move than a s tack, so i see no issues. plus if have to get it into my car by myself, i can handle it (though it will be a pain)
I hope you have a station wagon or something with a flat opening on the trunk... you can get a Tremoverb combo up and over into a saloon trunk if you're reasonably fit, but I think to do it with a fully roadcased one you'd need to be built like King Kong :). I'm only a little guy...

The best is if you do have something with a flat edge - put the roadcase sideways on against the back of the car, then bend down and lift it up by the two wheels nearest you, and it will slide over the edge and lie down flat. If you have a 'nice' car you may want a bit of old carpet or something to save the paintwork ;-).

The really great thing about a huge road case on wheels like that is that you can pile all your other stuff on top of it and it makes it a very easy trip from the car... until you hit stairs, anyway!