F50 speakers suggestions

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Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Jacksonville, IL
I've got an F50 head on the way. I currently have an Avatar 212 with Eminence tonespotters. The TSs are great sounding speakers but not really voiced the way I'd like. Big sounding but kind of loose in the low end. I seems that V30s are the most popular speaker for the F series so I might go with those. Has anybody tried the F series with a Greenback type speaker? Either Celestion or Eminence?

I really like the Black Shadow C90 that comes stock in the F50 1x12 combo, though I occasionally play my F50 through a homemade 2x12 with a V30 and G12H30 in it...I usually situate myself to hear mostly the H30, which I prefer to the V30, though the blend of the two is quite nice, too. The cab is closed back and the bass is really big and deep with it. The H30 has kind of a crispy top end to it which I like.

Some really like the V30s with the F50, but it's not really what I'm looking for. It does tighten up the bottom end, but it don't care for the upper-mids that are so prominent with the V30.

I'm planning to get a Celestion Greenback to use with another amp here in the next month or two, and obviously I'll try it with the F50, but can't speak to that now. Though a guy on another forum who really likes greenbacks said he didn't like it with the F50.

One more thing, my 2x12 with the V30 and H30 has a tighter bottom end than does the C90 in the combo.
Hahaha I was just going to post the exact same question. I'm in Australia and just won an F50 on ebay. Its my first MB and I am so stoked. MB are REALLY expensive over here - the F50 retails for $2995 (AUD) and I got it for $1500 (AUD) on ebay so I'm totally stoked but I dont have any speaker cab so I have to get something. I want a 2x12 cab just for portability (small car).

What is the difference between open/closed cabs -sorry I know its to do with the bottom end but I'm a noob - all my amps have been open backed solid state combs before...
I personally love the V30 sound, but I'm using a DC-2 which uses EL-84s, and that amp works really well with the mid hump on the V30. This works well live as it helps cut through the mix. It's also nice when doing the throaty Marshall type P90/vintage sound.

Regarding open and closed back cabs, the closed back cabs have a tighter more controlled bass and obviously project forward with much less volume at the rear of the cab.

Go down to your local music shop and try some out. :)

BTW I was watching that F50 on ebay. Congrats!
Thanks, I get it tonite, you should see the grin on my face! I'm just going to wire into the back of a marshall valvestate with twin goldbacks until i get a cab.

Have been calling around and can get a new marshall 1936 2x12 for $570 but its got really wide ranging reviews on harmony central and I dont want to spend that much if I'm going to have to replace them with v30's or greenbacks for a decent sound.

Might just buy some greenbacks and make my own cab...
Thanks! I get it tonite, you should see the grin on my face! I'm just going to wire into the back of a marshall valvestate with twin goldbacks until i get a cab.

Have been calling around and can get a new marshall 1936 2x12 for $570 but its got really wide ranging reviews on harmony central and I dont want to spend that much if I'm going to have to replace them with v30's or greenbacks for a decent sound.

Might just buy some greenbacks and make my own cab...