f30 and Samson Airline wireless

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Jan 28, 2005
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north Jersey
Ok..Im using a G&L s500 thru the f30 and I bought a Samson Airline wireless to use with it...my problem is no matter what I do, Im not able to get the clean channel to stay clean now...am I hooking this thing up wrong or what....Im using it direct to the front of the amp...should I be going thru the loop or what???

Any information would be greatly appreciated....
sonrise said:
Ok..Im using a G&L s500 thru the f30 and I bought a Samson Airline wireless to use with it...my problem is no matter what I do, Im not able to get the clean channel to stay clean now...am I hooking this thing up wrong or what....Im using it direct to the front of the amp...should I be going thru the loop or what???

Any information would be greatly appreciated....

Don't use the loop. That would bypass your preamp entirely and things would not sound normal or good at all.

With any wireless system I've used, there is an independant volume control on the wireless unit (either on the transmitter or the receiver). I'd say you just have this volume control set up too high and you're overdriving your preamp too much. Find the volume control on the wireless and turn it down little by little as you play to find the spot that sounds like you're plugged in with a regular cable.
thanks Adam Ive tried that and without any level up on the reciever at all, Im already getting a diry signal....Is there a special cord or something Im supposed to be using between the amp and the reciever...Im useing monster cables now....
sonrise said:
thanks Adam Ive tried that and without any level up on the reciever at all, Im already getting a diry signal....Is there a special cord or something Im supposed to be using between the amp and the reciever...Im useing monster cables now....

Are you using fresh batteries?
changed the batteries to fresh, even put a direct power supply to the reciever....Tonite my neighbor is gonna come over and help me with it...He's great with electronics and a player...more so than me...I hope he brings his new gretsch white falcon with him.....Ive been gassing to play it since he got it....
sonrise said:
changed the batteries to fresh, even put a direct power supply to the reciever....Tonite my neighbor is gonna come over and help me with it...He's great with electronics and a player...more so than me...I hope he brings his new gretsch white falcon with him.....Ive been gassing to play it since he got it....

Nice. Let us know how you make out. I had similar problems when I first bought my shure wireless. Turns out it was both the batteries AND the level setting. Hopefully everything works out easily.
sonrise said:
thanks Adam Ive tried that and without any level up on the reciever at all, Im already getting a diry signal....Is there a special cord or something Im supposed to be using between the amp and the reciever...Im useing monster cables now....

I'll bet that if you look around on the transmitter, you'll find a level control as well. It might be in the form of a trim pot inside the battery compartment.
Your problem is that there is a weak link in your signal chain. No matter how good your equipment is, it's only as good as the weakest link, in this case it's that **** Airline wireless.I know I've got one and it sucks. I tried for quite some time to get it to work right and never did, I ended up going back to using a cord.
There is a pd switch on the transmitter which is pligged into your guitar...sounds like it is in the wrong position....should clean right up

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