Hi all!
I picked up an F-50 used, I'm really digging it. I owned a Trem-o-Verb about 10 years ago, but I was doing covers 2-3 times a week, and the load-ins were no fun. I've spent my time since then on Tech21 stuff, which I still love and use, but I had to step up my game for my current gig, which is still covers, but requires a bit more oomph and "tone".
In any case, I've had alot of fun learning, listening, and tweaking the amp. My main guitar is an American Lonestar Strat, or a Fat Strat Texas Special (depending on who you ask...I don't personally know for sure), and that guitar is very "warm" sounding, and dialing in the tone for that axe was pretty straight forward. But I also have a regular American Standard Strat. And that guitar REALLY cuts though in the treble zone. It's mainly my back up guitar, and whenever I've had to use it with the Tech21 stuff, the difference is noticeable, but the fix was always a treble knob tweak away. If I switch guitars with the F-50....man, it really pierces the ears. VERY trebley.
Here's the problem. After dialing in the tone for the brighter strat, I'm really liking the singing quality of it, compared to the beefier Lonestar Strat. I just feel like I'm not quite there with what I want, tone wise. I'm at about 1:00 on the gain, 9:00 on the Treble, 1:00 on the Mid, and 9:00 on the Bass, and about 12:00 on the Master. From the manual, around here and other forums, the Treble knob is really where things happen. But for this guitar, I have to keep it low. The Mids sound good anywhere from 11:00 to 1:00, and the Bass can't go much past 9:00 without some farting creeping in. But in order to get any volume, the gain and/or Master have to be past 12:00, and I loose a bit of that clean "sing", and start to move into some break up.
I usually use pedals for different colors/levels of OD/Distortion, since I have to cover alot of different stuff, so my clean channel is really important to me, especially for the funk and disco(ugh) stuff. I'd like to give the bright strat a chance to move up to axe #1.
Anybody have any suggestions on how to pump up the beef and/or volume without having to move that Treble knob much more? Or should I try to dial the "sing" into the Lonestar Strat? Hmmm...
I picked up an F-50 used, I'm really digging it. I owned a Trem-o-Verb about 10 years ago, but I was doing covers 2-3 times a week, and the load-ins were no fun. I've spent my time since then on Tech21 stuff, which I still love and use, but I had to step up my game for my current gig, which is still covers, but requires a bit more oomph and "tone".
In any case, I've had alot of fun learning, listening, and tweaking the amp. My main guitar is an American Lonestar Strat, or a Fat Strat Texas Special (depending on who you ask...I don't personally know for sure), and that guitar is very "warm" sounding, and dialing in the tone for that axe was pretty straight forward. But I also have a regular American Standard Strat. And that guitar REALLY cuts though in the treble zone. It's mainly my back up guitar, and whenever I've had to use it with the Tech21 stuff, the difference is noticeable, but the fix was always a treble knob tweak away. If I switch guitars with the F-50....man, it really pierces the ears. VERY trebley.
Here's the problem. After dialing in the tone for the brighter strat, I'm really liking the singing quality of it, compared to the beefier Lonestar Strat. I just feel like I'm not quite there with what I want, tone wise. I'm at about 1:00 on the gain, 9:00 on the Treble, 1:00 on the Mid, and 9:00 on the Bass, and about 12:00 on the Master. From the manual, around here and other forums, the Treble knob is really where things happen. But for this guitar, I have to keep it low. The Mids sound good anywhere from 11:00 to 1:00, and the Bass can't go much past 9:00 without some farting creeping in. But in order to get any volume, the gain and/or Master have to be past 12:00, and I loose a bit of that clean "sing", and start to move into some break up.
I usually use pedals for different colors/levels of OD/Distortion, since I have to cover alot of different stuff, so my clean channel is really important to me, especially for the funk and disco(ugh) stuff. I'd like to give the bright strat a chance to move up to axe #1.
Anybody have any suggestions on how to pump up the beef and/or volume without having to move that Treble knob much more? Or should I try to dial the "sing" into the Lonestar Strat? Hmmm...