F-50 Combo, no power? Need help fast!

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Jul 23, 2006
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When I switch my F-50's power ON, it doesn't do anything. It doesn't power up at all.

What could be the problem? And what to do?

It's not the powercord, I tried other cords that worked, still nothing.

Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you blew a fuse.

Go here: http://www.mesaboogie.com/manuals/F-Series.pdf

It uses a 2 Amp SloBlo style fuse, you can find then most anywhere electronics are sold.

Now on to the bigger question, what caused the fuse to blow?

You can read up on the tube problem diagnosis page in that manual if you wish which I recommend, however for the sake of the thread I'll mention it.

I would get a few extra fuses, I got two packs of 4 each so I had 8 to mess with (great to have along with a spare set of tubes). Put a new one in and put your amp in standby.. watch all the tubes closely. Then, flick your amp out of standby and watch for any tube shorting. It looks like a blueish lightning strike inside the glass, you will most likely blow another fuse doing this but you'll find which tube is shorting your amp.

Fuses blow when there is a short in the amp in order to protect it. This is usually more often than not a power tube failure.

Good luck, let us know if you have q's
Do you recommend a set of replacement tubes for the the F-50? I blew a fuse last night, and one of my power tubes is glowing blue. :shock: Is this a fixed bias amp?

For emergencies, you could probably get by with one tube, but if it were me, I'd replace both. I believe that Mesa 6L6 tubes come in pairs, if you go with Mesa's.

If it were me, I would use the one good tube as a spare, and have a pair of fresh tubes running together.

Good Luck and be sure to write back on how you came out on it.
Thanks Brewski. I read the Mesa article on fixed versus adjustable bias. It's a compelling argument. I then go to Eurotubes site and read a polar opposite viewpoint on biasing. :roll:

I purchased JJ's for my F-50 (and Fender Princeton and Blue Angel), we'll see how they do, as all of those amps have fixed bias.

I'll report back. Btw, didnt mean to hijack this thread, but I had the exact same issue at the exact same time. :shock:

Any suggestions for preamp tubes? EH? ive got some NOS sylvanias I bought for a dollar.

