F-30 Question

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Richmond VA
Okay guys....I have an opportunity to get an F-30 relatively cheap...(600-700 range thru the Internet) and will ONLY use it for our Church Worship team. We play some kicked up songs so the Overdrive channel will be perfect...My question is the Clean channel and what you guys think of it. 80% of what we play is tonally between smooth Jazz and U2 type jangle.
Also, how quiet are the F-30's as far as amp noise?

Sorry about asking, I would normally just go and play one but currently there aren't any at my disposal..
Hey, I used to use one in church for a while. It was our bass players, he let me use it while I decided on which mesa to get. Tossed up wether or not to get the F30. Its a great amp heaps of gain, can go really loud but quiet as a mouse. The only trouble I had was the in between sounds, a nice od break up. I just couldn't dial one in (my fault?) I changed the pre's to NOS 12AT7's and it sounded way better.

As it is, it's one of my favourite Mesa's I would've got it if I didn't end up with the Maverick. I preferred it to the F50. The F30 just had a nice woody chunck to it. And the cleans were as good as any EL84 loaded mesa (except for the Blue Angel and the Mav and I haven't heard the Lonestars yet).

When you say in between sounds, do you mean like blues overdrive tones?

Jops said:
Hey, I used to use one in church for a while. It was our bass players, he let me use it while I decided on which mesa to get. Tossed up wether or not to get the F30. Its a great amp heaps of gain, can go really loud but quiet as a mouse. The only trouble I had was the in between sounds, a nice od break up. I just couldn't dial one in (my fault?) I changed the pre's to NOS 12AT7's and it sounded way better.

As it is, it's one of my favourite Mesa's I would've got it if I didn't end up with the Maverick. I preferred it to the F50. The F30 just had a nice woody chunck to it. And the cleans were as good as any EL84 loaded mesa (except for the Blue Angel and the Mav and I haven't heard the Lonestars yet).

Yeah, the gain comes in pretty strong early on the lead channel. I found it wasn't very dynamic and didn't respond very well to softer pick attack. I wasn't that fond of the pre-amp od on the clean side either but then that defeats the purpose of a clean channel anyway.

I did some research on the HC reviews and found most users changed tubes to get the best out of the amp. I would recommend that also. I changed two of the preamp tubes (PI and channel 2 gain stage) to NOS GE 12AT7s and there was very noticable difference in the sound and nature of the amp, from harsh to smooth.

I'm not knocking the amp at all. Like I said I'd own one now if I hadn't found the mav. I like mesa's 1x12 designs and the sound of their EL84 driven amps, light(ish) and portable, if I need extra vol I'll add speakers.

Thanks Jops..

Jops said:
Yeah, the gain comes in pretty strong early on the lead channel. I found it wasn't very dynamic and didn't respond very well to softer pick attack. I wasn't that fond of the pre-amp od on the clean side either but then that defeats the purpose of a clean channel anyway.

I did some research on the HC reviews and found most users changed tubes to get the best out of the amp. I would recommend that also. I changed two of the preamp tubes (PI and channel 2 gain stage) to NOS GE 12AT7s and there was very noticable difference in the sound and nature of the amp, from harsh to smooth.

I'm not knocking the amp at all. Like I said I'd own one now if I hadn't found the mav. I like mesa's 1x12 designs and the sound of their EL84 driven amps, light(ish) and portable, if I need extra vol I'll add speakers.

I have an F-30 and have been really pleased with it.

Amp noise has not been a problem at low volumes. I have not had many opportunities to play it loud though. :(
I had the F-30 for 30 days only (trial time). I found it to be a great sounding amp when clean and very sweet when dirty.

My only problem was the HISS I could not get rid of no matter what I did. And since I record with it, it was not going to work for me.

Some, not all, people have experiened the HISS at various degrees of annoyance. The two F-30s in the music store all suffered from the same thing. But it may be my experience only.

My advice is to listen to it in the way you will use it. And listen to it at home in the quiest of the night without playing. Then decide for yourself.

Best of luck.