F-30 Gain Question

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Jun 1, 2005
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How do you get the lead channel to have less gain? The clean channel won't dirty up enough and the lead channel has too much gain. I have a 12AT7 in V-1 and it sounds better but, the lead channel still doesn't have a lot of adjustment as far as a medium gain tone. I'm playing a Strat & Tele through it if that is any help. Thanks....Joe
I hope this is not a dumb question. :?: Did you try pulling the gain knob out on the clean channel for more gain? My friend recently purchased a F-50 and was suprised as I pulled it out the other night. It should get to a point that overlaps the lead channel. He purchased his used without a service manual. I have a DC-5 with this feature so I am used to it. The DC-5 is marked "pull for gain". The F-50 has no markings. I'm not sure if the F-30 has that feature but my guess is that it does. Maybe an owner can chime in here. This is my first post here. :!:
Thanks, the pull is a bright switch which does add gain but is a little "ice pick" sounding. I was hoping maybe there is a mod or something that would help me get a nice soft clipped tone on the clean channel and also let the lead channel be a boost with just a little more gain & volume. I'm a noo b to this forum myself......Joe
Have you tried one of these other tubes in the same family? 12AX7 dual triode is just one member of a family of tubes that have different amounts of gain. The 12AX7 has the most, and is rated at 100. Here are the ratings of its siblings:

12AX7=100 12AT7=60 12AY7=45 12AV7=41 12AU7=20

Another thing that Boogie's are noted for is if you turn the mid control past four (probably about 10 oclock on the F series) it becomes a gain control.
bungalowbill said:
Thanks, the pull is a bright switch which does add gain but is a little "ice pick" sounding. I was hoping maybe there is a mod or something that would help me get a nice soft clipped tone on the clean channel and also let the lead channel be a boost with just a little more gain & volume. I'm a noo b to this forum myself......Joe

You should be able to do this without too much trouble. You're not running the lead channel on contour mode, are you?
I might try a 12 AU7 but I think it might make the clean channel too clean. I may have to go to a different amp to achieve the tone I am after. The lead channel on the F-30 is very"shred" sounding and I think I may ruin the clean channel tone trying to get the lead channel in the ballpark. Thanks for the tips....Joe
Maybe you need to try the weaker tube in a different position. I don't know what tube does what. I would assume the last one is a phase inverter & one for reverb. V1a & V1b could be for both channels. Possibly V2a & V2b the lead channel.

I still haven't found info on which tubes are which on my DC-5 which I have had for almost 10 years. The DC-5 has 6 12AX7s in it. Each channel is a seperate preamp. I will just have to call Mesa sometime and see if they will give that info up.

Other alternatives for you may be a V-Twin pedal or try a Dual Caliber amp. Each channel of the DC amps seem to have a decent overlap. I have also played with a rectoverb which is more like a 5 channel amp, each one over lapping the other. The Recto has one of the nicest cleans I've heard.
I finally located my manual and V1,V2, affect both the clean and lead channels. I think I'll start using my Bluesdriver & Sparkle Drive in front of the amp. I think I'll eventually go to a different amp. Thanks for all the help guys....Joe :)
Ken j said:
Have you tried one of these other tubes in the same family? 12AX7 dual triode is just one member of a family of tubes that have different amounts of gain. The 12AX7 has the most, and is rated at 100. Here are the ratings of its siblings:

12AX7=100 12AT7=60 12AY7=45 12AV7=41 12AU7=20

Another thing that Boogie's are noted for is if you turn the mid control past four (probably about 10 oclock on the F series) it becomes a gain control.

Hey Ken,

What about the SPAX-7. I put one in V1 of my Single Recto becuase I was told it helps reduce the noise when runnning on high gain!

Joe was looking to tame his lead channel. That is why I suggested the lower gain tubes. He has already tried a 12AT7. Unfortunately the F series amps do not have an isolated tube for the lead channel. Anything he does will also affect the clean channel unless he can do a circuit mod.

The tube you mention is supposed to be a "cherry picked" 12AX7 that is extrermely quiet. This would be most advantagous in a high gain
situation. I don't think this would hurt him but it is not what he is looking for. Here is what I found about this tube at the Mesa site:

"The SPAX7

The Mesa SPAX7 is a 12AX7 that during our in-house testing processes is found to have a significantly quieter and more stable response to high volume and gain applications. If a fledgeling 12AX7 passes its first test, it is tested a second time under more stringent listening conditions and even higher volume and gain levels. If the young SP passes this second test, it is outfitted with a sleek layer of shrink wrap that helps shield the tube even further from field and transformer noise. We recommend using the SPAX7 in input preamp stages (usually located nearest the input jacks), as the input stage is generally the most volatile. An SPAX7 input tube will lay the foundation for a quiet and stable amplifier in the highest of gain and volume applications, and is a sure winner when playing microphonic musical chairs in search of that troublesome squealing or crackling preamp tube. "
Ken, I just wanted to thank you for all the help. I'm in the process of modding a Fender Blues JR. until I can swap the F-30 for a Blue Angel or something similar. Thanks again.....Joe
I also modded a Blues Jr. last year. I did the bias mod and tone stack mod that I found here:
I also swapped the speaker for a Emminence Swamp Thang (Patriot series), although I do think that a Celestion Black Shadow would work well in that amp also. All mods are worth doing in my book, plus not too expensive. If you have the old green board then it is worth doing the reverb mod to quiet it down.
Ken j said:
I hope this is not a dumb question. :?: Did you try pulling the gain knob out on the clean channel for more gain? My friend recently purchased a F-50 and was suprised as I pulled it out the other night. It should get to a point that overlaps the lead channel. He purchased his used without a service manual. I have a DC-5 with this feature so I am used to it. The DC-5 is marked "pull for gain". The F-50 has no markings. I'm not sure if the F-30 has that feature but my guess is that it does. Maybe an owner can chime in here. This is my first post here. :!:

I dident even know you could pull the gain knob to get more gain. I have the manuel and dident read about that...what an idiot I am :D

I cant wait to get home today and try it out.
Ken j said:
I hope this is not a dumb question. :?: Did you try pulling the gain knob out on the clean channel for more gain? My friend recently purchased a F-50 and was suprised as I pulled it out the other night. It should get to a point that overlaps the lead channel. He purchased his used without a service manual. I have a DC-5 with this feature so I am used to it. The DC-5 is marked "pull for gain". The F-50 has no markings. I'm not sure if the F-30 has that feature but my guess is that it does. Maybe an owner can chime in here. This is my first post here. :!:

It doesnt even say anything on the manuel about the gain knob.
Actually it did say pull for bright (my mistake), but since my friends amp is a combo and the writing is above the gain knob I couldn't see it without getting down almost on my hands and knees. It is sheilded by the amp case. It must be an oversight that it is not in the owners manual.

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