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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2007
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Well, I tested out my Mark IV and cab at Samash, and it sounded incredible. Never sounded any better-better than any other amp could possibly sound. When I got home, it sounds just like it did before. Lots of static, noise and there is no treble or tone. I tried two other guitars and it sounds the same. What the hell else could be doing this???????????
Your not wireless at home are you? Bad ground at home...try another outlet on a different circuit?

Just my two cents
I would think any of these issues could significantly change your tone:

-Power issues with your home wiring (solved by a power conditioner).
-Weak signal strength due to cables and/or effects.
-Room acoustics.
No, I'm not wireless. I have a Monster 3500 Power conditioner and it tried another outlet and it sounded the same. Is it because there are too many outlets on one circuit? Should I unplug unnecessary appliances or is it just bad wiring. This sucks. Best amp in the world and I can't get it to do ****!
Perhaps there are some really bad voltage issues at your house/outlet? In that case, a voltage regulator (+ conditioner) should help. :?
If it isn't the amp itself, it must be something in the signal chain. A bad wire on your pedal board. If you have a board, plug right into the amp, try different cables. wiggle the cable at the input of the amp. Any noise? bad cable, bad input jack on the mark? Any wall warts for the pedal board? speaker cable between amp and cabinet?
Besides all technical stuff .... consider the acoustics of the room you're in.
The rehearsal studio I'm in with my band e.g. eats all the highs. I have to set the presence control quite high on my MkIII (70- 80% up)
On stage then I have to lower it to ~ 20% ... allmost on any stage.
I simply cannot keep my amp settings out of the rehearsal studio. The amp sounds better in any other place. :?

Ok, this won't help you with the noise. But again, check your environment, any big machines in the neighbourhood? Mobile telephone transmitters?

Anyway, I suppose its neither the amp nor your skill ... :wink:

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