EQ vs Compressor, or both?

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Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Ventura California
I currently have a Keeley compressor, in front of the amp between the wah and head, which I really like! :) I'm new to the tube amp world with my single rect, and I'm reading with interest how people us an EQ in the effects loop to shapren tone. Is the MXR 10 ch the best, or can someone recomend a boutique or otherwise kick *** pedal? Will the EQ in the loop increase volume? Any other thoughts? Thanks in advance.

An EQ in the loop CAN increase volume if you boost any frequencies too much, but the MXR 10 band EQ has an output volume slider to adjust the volume if you find a shape you like but don't want a volume increase. I use the 6 band EQ in a slight V shape in my F30 with great results - i leave it on all the time... I am also using a vodka mod MXR dyna comp in front and like it alot too. It is used as my solo boost. It adds bite, edge, sustain, and attack to the notes. They just explode off the fretboard!
+1 on the MXR 10 band pedal. I used an Analogman Compressor and it really did not have a positive effect on my tone. The MXR Eq or any good EQ will effect your amp's tone in a more beneficial way then anything else you can use. It is a tool that every guitar player should use to their advantage. Read Chris Mckinley's posts on the subject. He really knows what he is talking about and he explains the Eq process very well.
yep, the ten-band mxr seems to get a lot of good reviews. Then purists say discrete circuitry stages (that's saying single transistors instead of op-amps) are the best and the most noise-free, think of the graphic eq in mark series amps, but sincerely I don't know if anyone is still producing eqs in such a way...