EQ Settings for a Dual Rect

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2006
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Hey guys I just got a 6 band MXR EQ and I've got some questions. Would it be better in the FX loop or in front of the amp and why? Also what are some good settings for a 6 band EQ with the DR. I play a modern style hard rock on channel 3 (red i think). Thanks.
If you put it in front of your amp, it will apply EQ to your guitar's tone. If you put it in the loop, it will apply EQ to your preamp's tone. Try experimenting to find what you're looking for. I've seen people very efficiently using EQ's on their preamp and guitar at the same time.

I've found myself using drastically different EQ settings on two Dual Rectos that are otherwise dialed the same because every amp has such a different personality and it takes the owner's time tweaking an EQ pedal to find the sweet spots. I like to play Tool riffs and similar styles a lot, so I amp up the low frequencies a tad and the mid frequencies a lot whilst leaving uppers at about the same... make a nice wave-like pattern and experiment with the size, range, and peak amplitude/end amplitudes of that wave.

Oh, and tell us what you find and how you like it, I still need to actually buy one and am considering many...
I have my KKR 10-Band in the Loop. I think it gives me more effective shaping options. Definitely search the Effects forum - there are several posts about EQs.
In the loop. Why, well because it allows you to really shape your tone. For example, if you run it out front and crank up the bass, you will mud your tone, but put it in the loop, turn the bass down up front, add it back in in the loop and you get a much cleaner signal through your preamp.
I have a parallel loop if that makes a difference, should it be moded to series to get it to work right in the loop?

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