Eq (ing) a Rectifier!?

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Nov 20, 2008
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Hey guys

This is my first post on this great forum. I recently upgraded my rig to include a Single Rec. Solo Head 50 (may change to a Dual). My question is this: how in the heck does one eq this amp? My amp seems to hate every position I put it in; I want to put it in the loop but if I put it before my time based effects-feedback. If I put it after my time based effects-nothing. Could this be the series/parallel issue I've been reading about?

In fact,most of my effects sound like poo in the loop save for my chorus and delay. Current chain order: Guitar>Flanger>Phaser>EQ>Amp Loop:Chorus>Delay>Amp.

Any and all thoughts,recommendations etc. will be greatly appreciated!
parrallel loop sounds like poo period.

how to eq a recto

red channel

bass 10 o clock

mids 1 o clock

trebble 1 o clock

presence 12 o clock or less

output noon

gain noon or less

channel volumes set so it balances out when you switch them

btw this is really loud but the eq will sound different depending on how hard you drive the tubes this works for me when the output is at noon.
A few things....

1. Be sure to thoroughly read and understand the manual. They practically dial it in for you.

2. Any guitar amp should be EQ'd by first setting the Gain and Treble controls. I personally like to set the gain first, then treble. After you can set bass, then mids. Finally presence.

3. Rectos should be eq'd by starting either with all the knobs off (if you have some experience) or with the knobs all at 12:00. The Rectos sound best with each knob in the 10:00-2:00 region. 12 is right in the middle of that and should be a foundation.

4. I would take out all the effects, eq the amp by itself, then put the effects back and make slight adjustments to account for tone suck.

5. Why are you putting the EQ pedal in front of the preamp?
Elpelotero said:
4. I would take out all the effects, eq the amp by itself, then put the effects back and make slight adjustments to account for tone suck.

+1. Build your foundation before you start building your house. I would even suggest taking it step by step and not putting the effects back all at once. Just do one at a time, taking a few minutes playing with the effect on and off, different amp channels/pick up positions if you use the, and tweak as you go along. You'll get to know how each piece of gear is factoring into the equation. And hopefully you'll get the sound you're looking for or at least figure out where things are going wrong.
Elpelotero has it right, build your tone without all the extras and then add the other stuff back in and tweak. I don't think you ever mention exactly what type of tone you're looking for either?

Once you learn how the controls interact and you dial in a Recto or two, it really becomes second nature for you and you'd really be able to dial in any Recto quickly afterwards.

Basic rules of thumb for me and Rectos, and remember this is for my taste in tone, YMMV...

Keep the Bass low. Rectos have a LOT of low end and sub-lows in them and can easily get boomy if you let them. I would suggest starting with the Bass around 10 o'clock. If you need more, bump it up, but I woudn't take it past 12 Noon. I think you'll find lower settings will suit you just fine.

Mids are your friend. You don't have to dime them to get good tone, but I wouldn't scoop them all out with the mids at 8:00 either. The "10-2 Rule" definitely applies here (with 10:00 - 2:00 usually working best), though I find myself setting my mids at 12 Noon most of the time and tweaking around it accordingly.

Gain is good, but don't over-do it. You can have too much of a good thing. It's a tube amp, so set your Gain at modest settings and let your pick attack do it's job. I tell everyone that half my gain is in my hands. If I'm running a boost in front, my Gain stays around 12 Noon. With no boost, I'll bump it slightly higher to around 1:00 - 2:00.

Treble and Presence do not need extreme settings to dial in bite and attack. The Recto differs a lot from the old "Everything on 10" Marshall mentality. Let your ears decide what works best here with your setup, though for me, I find that the Presence slightly higher than my Treble (and both at modest settings) works best for me.

Finally, don't be afraid to try a boost in front, like a TS808 or OD808. You may find that you won't even need the EQ after adding one. I've never needed an EQ with any Recto I've owned, and I've owned a LOT.
Wow,thanks for the informative responses!

Just to clarify a couple things, I am talking about a ten band eq pedal and I am trying to achieve a crunchy/bitier tone ala Hammerfall et al. I can't seem to achieve this tone with my amp or tubes so I figured an eq pedal may help in shaping my tone. However, the eq pedal does not seem to work in the loop at all-which is where I want it. Sooo it's in front of my amp where it does work but, I don't really want to eq my guitar.

Therein lies my dilemma! LOL

I am def. gonna try all your tips though. Thanks!
bigshooter said:
Wow,thanks for the informative responses!

Just to clarify a couple things, I am talking about a ten band eq pedal and I am trying to achieve a crunchy/bitier tone ala Hammerfall et al. I can't seem to achieve this tone with my amp or tubes so I figured an eq pedal may help in shaping my tone. However, the eq pedal does not seem to work in the loop at all-which is where I want it. Sooo it's in front of my amp where it does work but, I don't really want to eq my guitar.

Therein lies my dilemma! LOL

I am def. gonna try all your tips though. Thanks!

When you say doesn't work in the loop, have you tried another pedal there to ensure your loop is indeed working? It's a parallel loop unless it's been modded to series, so you would have to adjust the mix in the back. I'd definately trouble shoot everything, cables, twist knobs...you might even want to open her up and see if the loop has been modified and see if anything has come loose.

I agree with both El Pelotero and Silverulf. 10 to 12 clock face rule will usually get you where you need to be. Rectifiers are looser feeling amps. Toss an OD out front (remove almost all of the gain from the pedal) and it will tighten up nicely. The MXR 10 seemed to add more gain to the signal than I was looking for and traded the pedal back in.

Good luck
Hey clutch71

I've got my delay and chorus in the loop and they work just fine. I may follow your lead and pick up an overdrive...I was looking at a Maxon OD808 as well as a BB pre amp. I hate to give up on my EQ,but...
I've heard of the 808 being used as more of a tightener for the DR. I often hear of the BB being used to simply sweeten it up and get the cream flowing. Perhaps one of each?!!
EQ pedals do not work in parallel loops. Get it modded to serial, if you want to run it in the loop.
EQ pedals work just fine in parallel loops.....as long as they are analog. It's the inherent lag in digital effects that cause the noise that makes them unuseable in parallel loops.

big shooter,

You haven't mentioned how you have the controls set on the back of the amp for effects loop. Those can have a make or break effect on the loop, so if you can post them, we might be able to help you more.
Hey Chris

I've got my f/x mix pot at about 90% right now. Delay and Chorus sound awesome. Eq,when engaged,kinda emits a feedback(ish) noise.

Maybe I'll try 10% or so?

Thanks again to everyone who has replied! Ciao
No, no, no....you want to keep the mix up at 90% for sure. What kind of EQ are you using? Is it digital or analog? A digital unit is going to give you the same problems as other digital effects have. An analog EQ shouldn't give you any problems whatsoever.

Before you do anything else, though, you need to pull all modulation-based effects out from in front of your amp. Your flanger and phaser do not belong in front of your preamp. If your EQ is analog, what settings are you using on it?
The EQ is an MXR 10 band (Kerry King model) I'm not sure if it's digital or analog. You know,it's funny; I had a JCM 900 head and a Peavey JSX head...didn't care for their tones much but they loved my pedals.

I know I should have my flanger and phaser in the loop but they just seem to sound better in front. That being said,I might have had the mix at 10% when I had them in the loop. I'll rearrange everything after work tomorrow and let you know!

bigshooter said:
The EQ is an MXR 10 band (Kerry King model) I'm not sure if it's digital or analog. You know,it's funny; I had a JCM 900 head and a Peavey JSX head...didn't care for their tones much but they loved my pedals.

I know I should have my flanger and phaser in the loop but they just seem to sound better in front. That being said,I might have had the mix at 10% when I had them in the loop. I'll rearrange everything after work tomorrow and let you know!


I had a KK EQ in my loop too, but took it out soon after(didn't like it too much). I would always set my gain pretty low and let my hands do the work. For starters, put your knobs all at 5 and cut/boost to taste. Before I traded my rec away, I threw a TS9 in front and it really helped.

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