Empty Rectifier Straight Cab - What to Do?

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Third Age Amps

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2011
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Should I purchase new Mesa V30's for it, or should I just buy a used cab that already has speakers? The Mesa V30's are hard to find anywhere other than Mesa's site.

I'd say try a mix of Mesa spec'd V30's and C90's, those mix of 2 speakers bring out the best of a Recto.

I just snagged an empty Recto cab myself a few weeks ago and loaded it with this mix to go along with the slant/straight I have.
If it were me, I would get the British made V30s for $129 from Mesa, rather than the Chinese V30s for $145 from Sweetwater :idea:
I would buy them from the Mesa store on the Mesa website. You will need the 8 ohm version for a 412 cab. You can also get the MC90 there too if you opt to go that route. My preference is the full set to be V30.